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Bandwagon      .

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Presentation on theme: "Bandwagon      ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bandwagon

2 Red Herring

3 False Authority

4 Ad Hominem

5 Exaggeration

6 Stereotyping-to form a fixed and often untrue or only partly true idea about a person, place, or idea

7 Testimonials-a recommendation of the character, ability, etc, of a person or of the quality of a consumer product or service, especially by a person whose opinion is valued

8 Loaded terms-Substituting facts and evidence with words that stir up emotion, with the attempt to manipulate others into accepting the truth of the argument

9 Scare tactics-When fear, not based on evidence or reason, is being used as the primary motivator to get others to accept an idea, proposition, or conclusion.

10 False need-  is when the advertiser uses emotional proof to try to sell a product, making the viewers feel as though they must have the product in order to have a good life. They essentially cause the viewers to think they NEED the product.

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