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Vocabulary December 6.

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1 Vocabulary December 6

2 Agile The dogs were too slow to catch the agile rabbit Quick and nimble

3 Contentious George’s contentious personality made him unpopular with his classmates Having a tendency to quarrel or dispute

4 Duress It was only under intense duress that the CIA agent admitted his secrets to the enemy. Hardship or threat

5 Exacerbate The gruesome and scary movie I saw last night exacerbated my fears of the dark. To make more intense or to make worse

6 Meritorious Manfred was given Congressional Medal of Honor for his meritorious ways. worthy of reward

7 Forlorn Because I had the flu, all my friends went to the party without me, leaving me feeling feverish and forlorn. Lonely, abandoned, depressed

8 Harrowing Greatly distressing, causing pain and suffering The car accident was a harrowing ordeal.

9 Perfidious After the official was caught selling government secrets to enemy agents, he was executed for his perfidious ways. disloyal, unfaithful

10 Maverick Sarah Palin likes to think of herself as a maverick. An independent person who doesn’t conform.

11 Oscillate My uncle oscillated between buying a station wagon or a sports car. Sway from side to side, in thinking or physically

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