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Vocabulary Lesson 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Lesson 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Lesson 8

2 deride To ridicule; to mock

3 censure To criticize sharply

4 gambol To frolic; to romp about playfully

5 immolate To kill someone as a sacrificial victim, especially by fire

6 recondite Difficult to understand

7 martinet A strict disciplinarian

8 quagmire A swamp A difficult or inescapable situation

9 gibe To scoff; to ridicule

10 agape Open-mouthed Surprised; shocked

11 carcinogen Causing cancer

12 olfactory Pertaining to smell

13 imperious arrogant; overbearing; domineering; haughty

14 grotesque Absurd; distorted

15 neologism A new word or expression

16 hackneyed overused; trite worn-out expression

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