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Making Tough Decisions

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1 Making Tough Decisions
When is the last time you took a stand on something? What is the issue and why do you feel so strong about it and why? Can you see the situation from the other point of view?

2 Defining the Declaration
We will Video on Declaration of independence

3 Decisive Decisions The intolerable acts and stamp act were used to control the people and cover the debt from Seven years war and French and Indian War Overtaxing the people led to many small revolts in the colonies Georgia was held together by James Wright for a long time but Georgians were getting tired James Wright was such an effective tyrant that he kept Georgians from participating in the first Continental Congress but not the second

4 Declaring Destiny I want you to get down an effective paragraph on page 55 talking about why we should be free Not about whether the people of the 18th century should be free but why people should be free at all You will get about six minutes to write a well thought out paragraph and if you finish the other notes early you can go back to it

5 Declaration Details It was put together at the second continental congress on July 4th 1776 It was a result of being pushed too far by the British It is broken into three parts Preamble: Basic Rights for all people and reason for the document Grievances: Basically complaints against British Severance: Remove all ties from the British

6 Diving into the Differences
Georgians were isolated from the rest of the colonies Georgians have been held down so long by James Wright it took them awhile to see freedom as an option Signing this document was almost like signing your death warrant if the British would have won “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal” is in the preamble

7 Root word Tree I want you to come up with words that use the word Geo as a root word Also come up with a paragraph that uses at least three of these words Finish your paragraph from yesterday also

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