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Created by Macygoldsmith

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1 Created by Macygoldsmith
Vocabulary un 1. w 1. Created by Macygoldsmith

2 Actions Definition: thing that someone or some thing does Example: I jump up and down

3 Afraid Definition: scared of something or someone Example: I am afraid of a monster

4 Depend Count on some one or something Example: I can depend on my mom and dad

5 Nervously To act in a fearful or restless way I was nervously to go down the water slid

6 Peered looked hard or looked closely at some thing I peered at the bard

7 Perfectly In the best possible way Example I writ perfectly

8 Rescue Save something or someone from danger Example: I rescue the cat from the tree

9 Secret Something that is private or not known by many people Example I need to tell you a secret

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