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A new OECD publication (September 2004) OECD Working Party on National Accounts (Paris, October 2004)

2 General Government Accounts
Source of figures: Tables 200 (Main aggregates of GG), 900 (Tax and social contribution receipts) and 1100 (Expenditure by function – COFOG) Tables 600 (financial account:flows) and 700 (financial balance sheet: stocks) Coverage: 29 OECD countries, general government sector (SNA93), including the sub-sectors

3 General Government Accounts
Format of the publication: four tables Table 1: Summary of aggregates and balances Table 2: General government account (SNA93 almost full sequence of accounts ) (from table and 700) Table 3: Detailed tax and social contribution receipts (from table 900) Table 4: Expenditure by function (from table 1100)

4 General Government Accounts
Disclosure of the statistics: The book (volume IV) and a CD-Rom A sample (10%) of the data is made available on the OECD Web site on a free basis (tables 1 and 4 for the general government only) Subscription to SourceOECD (gives access to all tables)

5 Transmission of the data on GG
Stocktaking on 1 October 2004: EU countries are rapidly progressing towards comprehensiveness of data - table 1100 still expected from Czech republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia - Table 1100: data by sub-sector missing only from Ireland and Portugal

6 Transmission of the data on GG
Stocktaking on 1 October 2004 (continued): Non-EU countries: situation is more heterogeneous, from Norway (everything) to Turkey (nothing) - Table 200: real progress (except from New Zealand). Effort still expected for the sub-sectors from Australia, Canada, Korea, Mexico and Switzerland. Problem of timeliness for the United States. - Table 900: in progress, effort expected from Korea and Switzerland - Table 1100: effort from the majority this table is the most demanded by users !

7 General Government Accounts
Next edition: two main improvements One page of metadata by country (characteristics of the figures, sources…) Change of the timing for publishing: from September to mid-November Reason: More accurate and consistent figures are available in the beginning of September (in particular for tables 200 and 900)


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