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Annie’s Project Planning Session

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Presentation on theme: "Annie’s Project Planning Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annie’s Project Planning Session
Your Name, Your Title Organization You Represent

2 Agenda 12:00 Purpose of meeting 12:05 Introductions
12:10 Annie’s Project video 12:20 Annie’s Project overview 12:35 Topic mix and speaker’s matrix 12:55 Thank you and closing discussion 1:00 Adjourn

3 The mission of Annie's Project is to empower farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information.

4 Basic AP Meeting Structure
Six sessions during six weeks Three hours per session Your day of week and time of day At least two computer lab sessions Female agricultural professionals as presenters Light meals (optional) Your Name as facilitator and Field Specialist as backup instructor Your dates, one more snow date Target class size 15-20

5 Time for Discussion No more than one half the time in lecture.

6 Risk Management Production Risk Price or Market Risk Financial Risk
Institutional and Legal Risk Human and Personal Risk

7 Production Risk Price or Market Risk Crop Insurance WebSoilSurvey
Natural Resources Conservation Service Price or Market Risk Grain Marketing

8 Institutional and Legal Risk
Financial Risk Women and Money Basic Financial Documents Interpretation of Financial Documents Farm Service Agency Enterprise Analysis Farm Leasing Institutional and Legal Risk Estate Planning

9 Human and Personal Resource Risk
Real Colors ® Insurance for Farm Families, not Crop

10 Kaskaskia College, Centralia, Illinois 2003
First class of Basic AP Kaskaskia College, Centralia, Illinois 2003

11 Current Program Status
Over 14,000 women served in 33 states New facilitator trainings scheduled Additional programming being designed

12 End of Class Impacts Understand crop insurance options and be able to evaluate them for fit to the operation Examine available markets and price expectations Increase bargaining power when working with a lender and accuracy in projecting profits

13 End of Class Impacts Evaluate estate plan and update if necessary
Increase communication skills when working with professionals to meet individual and farm business goals

14 Long-term Impacts Increased confidence in decision making
Become better farm managers and business partners Expand network of peers and professional service providers

15 Thank You for Participating!

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