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Clinical Presentation of Vitreoretinal Disorders

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1 Clinical Presentation of Vitreoretinal Disorders
Dr. Ayesha Abdullah

2 Learning outcomes By the end of this lecture the students would be able to; Identify the common symptoms and signs of VR disorders (VRD) and correlate them with the underlying problems with the structure and function of the VR. Identify structural landmarks on retinal photographs. Correlate the indications for commonly used investigations for the assessment of retinal disorders with the underlying pathology.

3 Anatomical landmarks of the retina
It’s a pale disc like structure with vessels emerging out of its center called the cup. Its about 1.5 mm in size. It is about 5.5 mm in diameter (3.5 disc diameter/ 180 of visual angle). Roughly the area between the arterial arcades. A concave central retinal depression about the same size as the disc (1.5mm)

4 Common Presenting Symptoms in VRD
Visual loss, mostly painless, sudden/ gradual Loss of central vision Loss of peripheral vision Loss of visual field Loss of colour vision Distorted vision; metamorphopsia, micropsia, macropsia

5 Common Presenting Symptoms in VRD
Loss of contrast sensitivity Glare sensitivity Night blindness Photopsia/ flashes Floaters ;  'specks', 'flies', 'spiders' and, ‘cobweb‘, ‘mosquitoes’.

6 Loss of central vision

7 Loss of peripheral vision

8 Contrast sensitivity and light & dark adaptation problems

9 Contrast sensitivity and light & dark adaptation problems

10 Glare particular shades of reds and greens (most common) or
blues and yellows (less common).

11 Flashes of light/ photopsia

12 Floaters

13 Colour vision deficiency

14 Field loss

15 Scotoma Negative Scotoma Positive Scotoma

16 Signs


18 Swollen optic disc

19 Pale optic disc


21 Cupped optic disc


23 Macular signs

24 Retinal Haemorrhages

25 Vascular changes

26 Exudates

27 Cotton wool spots

28 Retinal Tear/ hole

29 New Vessels




33 ?

34 Quiz




38 Commonly used investigations
B Scan A Scan



41 OCT

42 Angiography

43 Electroretinogram

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