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Does Donald Trump threaten democracy?

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Presentation on theme: "Does Donald Trump threaten democracy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does Donald Trump threaten democracy?
Threats to Democracy Does Donald Trump threaten democracy?

2 Do Now: Take out your homework assignments!
Debate in your groups and come to a consensus! In your opinions, is the Trump presidency more of a symptom or a cause of our threatened democracy?

3 Arguments for Donald Trump - The CAUSE

4 Recall the 3 essential elements for good government
Most Americans agree that good government requires 3 essential elements . What are these 3 things?

5 Activity 1 - The 3 Liberal Values
Individual Rights Due Process Separation of Powers Analyze the ideas put forth by Donald Trump. Determine if they challenge America’s “Big 3” Liberal Values.

6 CAUSE #1 - Untraditional Politician who does not respect traditional US values

7 CAUSE #2- Stokes fervor among his supporters

8 Trump said, ‘I alone can fix it.’
Cause #3- Likes to speak with absolute authority and undermines institutions/ checks and balances Trump said, ‘I alone can fix it.’

9 Cause #4 - Possesses a confusing message and can seem reasonable/unreasonable (which can halt policymaking)

10 Arguments for Donald Trump - The SYMPTOM

11 Donald Trump the Populist
Populism is a movement of (some) common people that challenges established elites & the laws that they have put into place because they do not believe that the elites understand their needs or interests.

12 When populism goes to far?
Illiberal populism develops when insurgent common people display Anger at elites for both neglect & corruption A focus on exclusion of other groups &/or ethnic nationalism It can get ugly!

13 Activity 2 - Populist vs. Illiberal
Why do many people consider Trump’s presidential campaign to be a populist movement? Why do many consider it to be an illiberal populist movement?

14 Was a Donald Trump Presidency inevitable?
Republicans wanted an outsider “People hate congressional Republicans, including Republicans” Trust in government GOP voters are not purists

15 Trumpisms Trade: “We’re gonna fix it.”
Obama-care: “It’s gotta go. I’ll work out some sort of really smart deal with hospitals across the country.” Immigration: “Number 1, the first thing we do is get the bad ones out. You have a lot of really bad people here. They’re in our prisons, and they’re clogging up our prisons.” ISIS: “You bomb the hell out of them, and then you encircle it, and then you go in. I would hit them so hard your head would spin.”

16 Take a look at the following data!
Analyze the following slides. Discuss & Record why you believe Trump has a dedicated following.






22 Trump Supporters on Immigrants
older, whiter, & more rural voters believe immigrants have an overall negative effect on society want Trump to build wall along the Mexican border and screen out Muslims.

23 ...but why? Trump supporters are actually not at the bottom of the “socioeconomic ladder” (some make as much as $76k/year) believe that they and their families are living in poorer conditions and are socially in decline manufacturing jobs have disappeared health problems like obesity and diabetes are rising life expectancy is declining

24 The may have a good reason?
Unions are in decline and wage-levels have stagnated. Income inequality has been growing. Anti-poverty programs have shrunk. Spending on higher education has shrunk ( and tuition is up). Prison populations have been growing. Voting rights have been restricted.


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