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FAQ What twp factors affect Standard Errors with our Teacher Index Scores (Teacher Effect Scores) TVAASs Source: TDOE Presentation from the office of.

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Presentation on theme: "FAQ What twp factors affect Standard Errors with our Teacher Index Scores (Teacher Effect Scores) TVAASs Source: TDOE Presentation from the office of."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAQ What twp factors affect Standard Errors with our Teacher Index Scores (Teacher Effect Scores) TVAASs Source: TDOE Presentation from the office of assessment, evaluation, and research (23SEP10) Title: Teacher Effect Data, (Slides 28 and 29 of 41)

2 FAQ What twp factors affect Standard Errors with our Teacher Index Scores (Teacher Effect Scores) TVAASs Source: TDOE Presentation from the office of assessment, evaluation, and research (23SEP10) Title: Teacher Effect Data, (Slides 28 and 29 of 41)

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