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Warm-Up: Monday Create a word art or draw a picture that conveys the meaning of the root word “pro” AND Create a word art or draw a picture that conveys.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Monday Create a word art or draw a picture that conveys the meaning of the root word “pro” AND Create a word art or draw a picture that conveys."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Monday Create a word art or draw a picture that conveys the meaning of the root word “pro” AND Create a word art or draw a picture that conveys the meaning of the root word “prae” .

2 Warm-Up: Tuesday Write a sentence for the following derivatives of “pro”: proboscis prologue proclaim proceed pronoun

3 Warm-Up: Wednesday Write a sentence for the following derivatives of “prae”: predict precaution prefer prejudice

Number your “Thursday” box 1 through 14 and wait for the slide show.  **REMEMBER: WARM-UP QUIZ TOMORROW!!!! Be sure to study ALL of the root words we’ve learned so far

5 Warm-Up: Friday Make sure your heading is on your warm up paper
Get out your homework and make sure you heading in on the ANSWER SHEET Study for your quiz

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