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Eras of Plant Improvement

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1 Eras of Plant Improvement
Domestication The Green Revolution Genetic Modification

2 Continuous Improvements in Agriculture
The distant past (thousands of years ago) Crop plant domestication The recent past (past 100 years) Hybrid seeds/intentional breeding  The "Green Revolution" Now and into the future (past 25 years) Advances in breeding Genetic modification technologies 

3 Phase 1: Domestication More than 10,000 years ago until approximately 1900 Humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer lifestyle with improvements in agriculture  Development of human civilizations is correlated with the development of agriculture Major crops were domesticated approximately 5,000 – 15,000 years ago Domestication: cultivating or taming organisms to accentuate traits that are considered desirable for humans Physical appearance Behavioral characteristic  Individual size  Selecting for physical traits modified the genetic makeup of the plant

4 Phase 2: The Green Revolution
1960s s Important advancements: High-yielding grain varieties (rice, wheat) "semi-dwarf" varieties: shorter plants that waste less energy on growing stems for height  Disease-resistance  Dramatically increased crop yields for the same acreage of land  Able to grow more food without using more land 

5 Phase 3: Genetic Modification
1980s – present  Advances in science and genetic understanding have led to technologies that allow scientists to directly modify the genetic make up of species to exhibit a trait of interest Can use genes from that species or another First crops released in 1995 Herbicide and insect resistant – reduces pesticide needs, increases yield  Rapidly adopted by farmers – increased farmer profits  Primary crops: cotton, soybean, corn, canola, cotton, alfalfa, papaya  Lots of possibilities for potential improvements (GMOs)


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