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Vocabulary Unit 8.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 8

2 alternate (v.) to do, use, or happen in successive turns; to take turns (n.) a person acting or prepared to act in place of another; a substitute (adj.) happening or appearing in turns; every other; being a choice between two or more things

3 demolish (v.) to tear down, break to pieces

4 energetic (adj.) active and vigorous, full of energy, forceful

5 enforce (v.) to force obedience to

6 feat (n.) an act or deed that shows daring, skill, or strength

7 hearty (adj.) warm and friendly; healthy, lively, and strong; large and satisfying to the appetite

8 mature (v.) to bring to or reach full development
(adj.) fully grown or developed

9 observant (adj.) watchful, quick to notice; careful and diligent

10 primary (adj.) first in importance, first in time or order; basic, fundamental (n.) an early election that narrows the choice of candidates who will run in a final election

11 resign (v.) to give up a job, office, or a right or claim

12 strive (v.) to devote much energy or effort, try hard

13 verdict (n.) the decision of a jury at the end of a trial or legal case; any decision

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