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A Streetcar Named Desire

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1 A Streetcar Named Desire
Student Guide

2 Learning Focus Dramatic form Contexts
Reading texts critically and creatively in a range of ways Responding to and evaluating texts Identifying and exploring how attitudes and values are expressed Use literary concepts and terminology Use appropriate writing conventions

3 Component 1: Drama Shakespeare (Hamlet) and Streetcar
2 hours 15 minutes Open book 30% of total A Level 60 marks altogether Choice of 2 questions for each text

4 Streetcar Section B Choice of 2 questions
Spend 57 minutes – one hour on question 25 marks 12.5% of whole exam

5 Assessment Objectives
AO1: respond to texts using literary concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression AO2: Analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in texts AO3: Show understanding of the siognificance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received Equal weighting

6 Level 5 from Mark Scheme: Critical and evaluative
• Presents a critical evaluative argument with sustained textual examples. Evaluates the effects of literary features with sophisticated use of concepts and terminology. Uses sophisticated structure and expression. • Exhibits a critical evaluation of the ways meanings are shaped in texts. Displays a sophisticated understanding of the writer’s craft. • Presents a sophisticated evaluation and appreciation of the significance and influence of contextual factors. Makes sophisticated links between texts and contexts.

7 Question Structure Explore…
EITHER how Williams presents/uses [focus of question] OR the ways in which Williams presents/uses [focus of question] OR Williams’s portrayal/use of [focus of question] OR how [focus of question] is portrayed OR the presentation of [focus of question] …in A Streetcar Named Desire. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors. (25 marks) .

8 Example question The precise wording may vary; however, it will always be on a specific focus. You have a copy of the play with you in the exam. Explore the presentation of social class in A Streetcar Named Desire. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors

9 Themes/Ideas for question focus
Changing society Social class Reality versus idealism Role of women Hierarchy/power Gender: masculinity/femininity Old world V New world Madness Identity Domestic abuse Violence Decay Relationships Grief Loss Tragedy Sexuality Brutality Isolation Macabre Inevitability Hypocrisy Marriage Dependence American Dream Fate The past Conflict Aging Obsession Alcoholism Setting Characters Expectations Symbolism Motifs Language Make a list

10 How to prepare Make sure you have note which include:
What does Williams seem to be saying about xxx? How is xxx presented in the play (methods)? What are the relevant contextual factors you need to understand about the values and attitudes Williams conveys about xxx? How do you interpret xxx? Have a clear argument/thesis. A quotation bank PRACTISE ESSAY WRITING: introductions/conclusion/sample paragraphs

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