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Digital Footprint By: shia thandi N C ..

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Footprint By: shia thandi N C .."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Footprint By: shia thandi N C .

2 My Digital Footprint I researched my name and my facebook account showed up that is now deactivated. When I clicked on the link to the facebook account, it said that it is unavailable. So, when I search up my first and last name, nothing officially comes up that shows any of my accounts on social media. However, when I searched up my insatagram acoount, it shows up but when I click on the link, none of my posts show up because my account is private. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

3 How might your Digital Footprint affect future opportunities?
Digital footprints can affect future apportunities because, if you post something that is bullying someone, it may affect future job opportunities as this is not a very good immpression of you and makes you look bad. Also, the inernet is way more accesible which puts us at risk for posting things that we should not be posting. What we post on the internet shows how we are as a person, so, people need to be more wise on what they are posting, otherwise, it could affect the future. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.

4 Strategies on how to keep your Digital Footprint safe
A strategy to be safe on the internet is to keep all your social media accounts private and locked from all other users. This helps because if someone wants to follow you, but you do not want them to follow you, you can reject them.  Another strategy would be to not post anything that has nudity or violence as that is bad for future career and could potentially ban you from your social media account. Lastly, another strategy would be not to post any private information such as your ID, passport, where you live, etc. You shpould not post private information as this could put your life in danger and someone could stalk you. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.

5 What I learned I learned a lot during the process of this project. I learned to be way more cautious with what to post online and focus more on who is following me on my accounts. I also learnt to be aware that whatever I post online, stays there forever, so I should be extra safe of what to post and what not to post. I tell people to be safe with social media and what they post because the things that they post could really affect their future immpression and their career. All in all, you should just think before you post and make accounts because you never know what the outcome could be. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

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