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1 Alexander

2 King of Macedonia, son of king Philip, a pupil of Aristole
King of Macedonia, son of king Philip, a pupil of Aristole. As a brilliant and versatile strategist and tactician ,Alexander changed the history of the word by making Hellentic Greek civilization dominant in the Near East for about a thousand years


4 In 338 BC, Alexander led the battle of Chaeronea(喀罗尼亚战役), wiped out the strongest clan ,Sacred Band of Thebes ,in Greek.

5 In 336 BC, Alexander led his army into the north to the Balkans(巴尔干半岛), conquered the betrayal of their own Illyrian tribes(伊利亚诸部落), the Thracians was repelled to the Danube(多瑙河) shore. In 334 BC, Alexander crossing the Hellespont Strait (赫勒斯邦海峡) began the Battle of Alexander‘s Anabasis(进军,远征) up to 10 years.

6 Autumn of 333 BC, Alexander defeated Darius III at Issus as famous for its “Macedonian phalanx”(马其顿方阵).

7 In the spring of 331 BC, Alexander rate Infantry 40,000, Cavalry 7,000 march to Mesopotamia(美索不达米亚), and Persia last decisive battle of a large-scale carried out in Nineveh(尼尼微) near Gaugamela(高加米拉).

8 In 327 BC, Alexander led his army from the south of the Caspian Sea(里海) to the Daba Specter Calabria(巴克特里亚) Before 325, invaded India Paula cutting kingdom (波拉伐斯王国)。

9 In 325BC, the army withdrawal from India
In 324 BC, the army returned to the Persian liss and Susa, fleet pulled in to shore in the Tigris river .Finally he returned to Babylon, and Alexander's Anabasis is brought to an end. In 323 BC, Alexander died in Babylon because of the fever.

10 亚历山大大帝陵墓



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