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INB Rules 1- Skip the first 2 pages at the beginning of the INB for the ongoing table of contents (TOC) 2- Write what your assignment is in your TOC everyday.

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Presentation on theme: "INB Rules 1- Skip the first 2 pages at the beginning of the INB for the ongoing table of contents (TOC) 2- Write what your assignment is in your TOC everyday."— Presentation transcript:

1 INB Rules 1- Skip the first 2 pages at the beginning of the INB for the ongoing table of contents (TOC) 2- Write what your assignment is in your TOC everyday 3- Number each page in the upper right hand corner daily (do not number pages until the actual day) 4- Each day is “one page” no matter how many pages you use. Ex. if you use three pages for today they will all be numbered 1. 5- Each day mark your IN, OUT, and THROUGH 6- Write your LEARNING TARGETS and WARM UPS Q and A in the IN section each day 7- EACH day record the title of the assignment at the TOP of the THROUGH section 8- Paste, tape, or staple all handouts into your INB – -if a whole sheet of paper fold hamburger and attach in sideways -if a half sheet attach in straight up and down 9- No doodles or drawings in your INB on pages, front and back cover OK 10- You MAY store them in the classroom although I am not responsible for them, YOU are. I would not keep them here this is all of your work and if it gets lost you will have to make it all up quickly 11- Do the questions on your table in the THROUGH section show to ALTMAN, for a stamp TODAY!!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WRITE QUESTIONS

2 INB REVIEW questions 1- Where does the page number in your INB go daily? 2- What goes in the “in” section? 3- What goes on the TOP of each through section? 4- What goes in the through section of your INB? 5- If you need another page when doing working in the through section where do continue writing? 6- What happens if you do not receive a stamp on an assignment in your INB? 7- What goes on the left hand side of the INB? 8- What goes on the right hand side? 9- Have you been grading your INB correctly? 10- What happens if I do not stamp an assignment? 11- What do you do with loose papers in your INB? What happens if you do not do this?

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