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7Y Friday US Policies Towards Native Americans

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1 7Y 12-02-2016 Friday US Policies Towards Native Americans
Objective: Describe how the political status of Native Americans has evolved during U.S. Western expansion in the 19th century. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: Complete page 335 #4 Go over Page 335 #4 The Indian Removal Treaties: History and Geography – page Comparing and contrasting regions activity – Google Classroom

2 Morning Prayers - Friday
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN (Join me in offering our day to God.) My God, I thank you for the gift of another day to praise you. I offer you all my prayers works, joys, and sufferings today. Amen. (Let us now place ourselves before Jesus on the Cross) The cross is my sure safety. It is the Cross that I ever adore. The Lord’s Cross is with me always. The Lord’s Cross is my refuge.  We adore You O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (Let us pray.) Dear Heavenly Father, grant me the grace to know the difference between right and wrong, and the courage always to do what is right, Through Christ, our Lord. AMEN  In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN (Please stand for the pledge) I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

3 Complete and go over Page 335 #4
Native American Groups Response to Removal Choctaw from Mississippi (p333) Did not really resist. Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek – signed by their leaders, agreement that the Choctaw would move to Indian Territory. Gave up 7.5 million acres of their land. Were forced to move under rough conditions. Many died. Tragic experience inspired other tribes to resist. Creek of Alabama Tried to resist, but were captured and led to the Indian Territory in chains. Chickasaw of Mississippi They negotiated a treaty for better supplies for the journey to the Indian Territory but a lot of them died. Cherokee from AL, TN, NC, GA Adopted white culture to avoid conflict, but were forced of land because of gold. They sue the state of Georgia and the Supreme Court says that GA has no right to force them out or deal with them because they have nation status. But President Jackson didn’t stop GA from removing the Cherokees. Fox and Sauk of Illinois Led by Black Hawk, they resisted removal with force, but they ran out of food and supplies and were forced to leave. Seminoles of Florida Resisted with force – Second Seminole War. Leader Osceola was captured and died, but they eventually won because U.S. gave up the fight and there are Seminoles still living in Florida.

4 Complete and go over Page 335 #4
Native American Groups Response to Removal Choctaw from Mississippi p.333 Leaders were forced to sign the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, handed over 7.5 million acres of their. Forced to travel to reservation lands in OK, 25% died on the way. Their tragic experience inspired other tribes to resist removal. Creek from Alabama p 333 Resisted removal. U.S captured 14,500, led in chains to reservations Chickasaw from Mississippi p 333 When they moved west to reservations, negotiated deal with U.S. government to get better supplies for the trip when they moved, but many still died during the trip. Cherokee from GA, TN, AL p 333 Adopted American culture. Gold found on their land. GA militia force them out. They sue to the Supreme Court. Fox and Sauk from Illinois p 335 Seminole from Florida p 335 Led by Osceola, resisted and fought U.S. efforts of removal. Many died, but they won the battles and were able to stay. Second Seminole War, Seminoles were able to stay in FL, still there today.

5 The Indian Removal Treaties: History and Geography – page 336-337

6 Comparing and Contrasting Regions Groups
The Cherokee – Charlie, Kiki, Mason Fox and Sauk – Katie, Anthony The Chickasaw – Marly, Michelle The Chocktaw – Nick, Ed The Creek – Jake, Claire, Cece The Seminoles – Lucy, Isabella, Cassie In your groups, assign people to do the following: History and background information on assigned tribe Climate and physical geography of traditional homeland Climate and physical geography of the area they were forced to move to Presentations due Monday!

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