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Percentile to Percentages Your goal is to have more gains than losses!

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1 Percentile to Percentages Your goal is to have more gains than losses!
How to Make a Conversion Chart Percentile to Percentages TVAAS Why Do I Need a Conversion Chart? Projected scores are computed by SAS which you can download from the TVAAS website. These projections are compared with actual scores to determine student growth and Teacher Effect Scores. Higher than the projections = growth Lower than the projections = losses Your goal is to have more gains than losses! Challenge The projections are in percentile score and NCE score format. Teachers need them in percentage format instead. Fortunately teachers can make a conversion chart using Quick Scores and TVAAS website data.

2 Percentile to Percentages
How to Make a Conversion Chart Percentile to Percentages TVAAS How to Create and Use a Conversion Chart 1) First you need your student’s Quick Scores from the last school year. 2) Next log on to the TVAAS website to obtain your student’s percentile and NCE scores from last year. 3) You can use this data from the previous year to make a chart that you can use to convert the current year’s projections to percentages. Note: Quick Scores are equivalent to percentage scores, and they are also equivalent to the percentile and NCE scores. ---The Quick Score shows you their TCAP score as a “percentage.” ---The TVAAS website show you their same score a percentile. ---Place these two scores side by side, and make a conversion chart. 4) Once you have your chart, you can use it each year to convert the percentile projections into percentage projections. 5) Then on each unit test, benchmark test, etc. you can compare student’s scores with the projection to make sure they are on track to show growth. 6) Very helpful for identifying higher kids that are not on track for growth.

3 TVAAS Percentile to Percentages Conversion Chart F.Y.I.
How to Make a Conversion Chart Percentile to Percentages TVAAS F.Y.I. Test Scoring Process (TCAP etc.) 1) First they derive a raw score. 2) Next they convert the raw score into a scale score. 3) These scale scores are then converted into percentile scores by plotting them on a normal curve graph (A.K.A. bell curve). 4) Using this normal curve graph, they also convert them to into NCE scores (Normal Curve Equivalents). (These NCE scores are used to determine Teacher Effect Scores) 5) Student’s scores are also converted into Quick Scores. Teachers need a percentile to percentage chart

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