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Crowdsourcing AND online COLLABOration

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1 Crowdsourcing AND online COLLABOration
Module 6 Unit 5 Anna jankowska Universitat autÒnoma de barcelona


3 What is crowDsourcing? Crowdsourcing is the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call. (Howe, 2006)

4 ?

5 translation crowdsourcing types
Jiménez-Crespo, M. A. (2017). Crowdsourcing and Online Collaborative Translations. Expanding the limits of Translation Studies. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

6 translation crowdsourcing types
Online collaborative translation.

Collaborative translation processes in the web initiated by self-organized on-line communities in which participants collaborate with motivations other than monetary. (Jimenez-Crespo, 2017: 25)

8 Translation crowdsourcing
Collaborative translation processes performed through dedicated web platforms that are initiated by companies or organizations and in which participants collaborate with motivations other than those strictly monetary. (Jimenez-Crespo, 2017: 25)

9 What happens in AD? Some crowdsourcing and collaborative initiatives in practice. Very little research on crowdsourced and collaborative AD.

Online tool collaborative AD tools.

11 Youdescribe

12 Youdescribe

13 scribit To be launched in 2018. Create descriptions for online videos.
Descriptions are voiced by synthetic speech.

14 AUDIO DESCRIPTION Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing for AD writing in 2017. 11 team members. Workflow: crowdwriting.

15 AUDIO DESCRIPTION Crowdsourcing

16 AUDIO DESCRIPTION Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing for AD translation in 2018. 5 team members. Workflow: crowdtranslation.

17 AUDIO DESCRIPTION Crowdsourcing

18 AUDIO DESCRIPTION Crowdsourcing
Crowdtranslation is less time-consuming. Crowdtranslation is more effective. Crowdtranslation and crowdwriting could be implemented.

19 AUDIO DESCRIPTION Crowdsourcing
Jankowska, A. (2018). Translation, crowdsourcing, collaboration and quality in audio description,

20 New workflows New workflows are already being implemented.
We need more industry and academic reserach.

21 Crowdsourcing AND online COLLABOration
Module 6 Unit 5 Anna jankowska Universitat autÒnoma de barcelona

22 The preparation of this presentation was supported by ADLAB PRO
(Audio Description: A Laboratory for the Development of a New Professional Profile), financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships, Project number: IT02-KA  

23 The information and views set out in this presentation
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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