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E-Beams Systems Manager

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Presentation on theme: "E-Beams Systems Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Beams Systems Manager
E-Beam Systems Update David Schultz E-Beams Systems Manager Schedule, Schedule, Schedule! New roles in the ANL and SLAC Undulator Groups e-Beams systems progress and status Approval for Commissioning

2 Inj/Linac Installation Schedule
6 MeV 135 MeV 250 MeV 4.30 GeV 13.6 GeV Linac-0 L =6 m Linac-X L =0.6 m rf gun L0-a,b Linac-1 L 9 m Linac-2 L 330 m Linac-3 L 550 m Commissioned Now Installing 25-1a 30-8c ...existing linac 21-3b 24-6d 21-1 b,c,d X undulator L =130 m BC2 L 22 m BC1 L 6 m ‘Wall region’ DL2 L =275 m 2007 down SLAC linac tunnel research yard

3 LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line
X-ray tunnel/FEH Install LTU/Und/Dump Install FEH X-rays milestone Flux milestone CF Early Occupancy CD-4 (7/30/10) FEE/NEH Install S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M 2007 2008 PPS 2009 PPS 2010 LTU/Und Commissioning Tunnel/FEH Commissioning Linac/BC2 Commissioning Linac/BC2 Install FEE/NEH Commissioning

4 New responsibilities in Undulator
Jose Chan is the new Cost Account Manager for Undulator integration at SLAC, taking over from Rodd Pope. Unifying Undulator and Linac integration and installation for seamless design and planning through the rest of the project. We have instituted a number of weekly video meetings with ANL. RFBPM, Vacuum, BLM, Controls, Quadrupoles, Supports, We have started quarterly Undulator collaboration meetings to ensure coordination. 1st meeting Sept

5 New responsibilities in Undulator
Bill Berg is the new Undulator Integration Engineer at ANL Carl Rago is the new Undulator Integration Engineer at SLAC

6 New responsibilities in Undulator
Don Schafer is the new Undulator Design Engineer at SLAC. Arturo Alarcon is the new Undulator Controls Liaison Engineer at SLAC.

7 Recent Injector/Linac Progress
LCLS Injector, and Bunch Compressor 1 Installed and commissioned Commissioning goals achieved Corrections and repairs identified BC1 magnet field improvement is ongoing Systems declared operational

8 Recent Injector/Linac Progress
Bunch Compressor 2 and Linac The down is under way, good progress made Mechanical installation complete this week Controls checkout to start next week One BC2 dipole had faulty coils. They are being reworked, but will likely miss the down The schedule is tight, PPS cert. will interfere Some installation (BC2 dipole) will spill over Commissioning can proceed as planned BC2 commissioning schedule is generous

9 Undulator Magnetic Measurement
All undulators have been accepted from the vendors. 39 are at SLAC, 1 is at ANL. The MMF is in a production mode, 15 undulators are finished magnetic tuning and fiducialization. 2 in fine tuning 1 in rough tuning 2 have been deferred for rework Production rate is approaching 1 per 6 working days.

10 Undulator System Progress
Undulator Support/Movers have begun arriving at SLAC. 1 assembly at ANL, 8 at SLAC, +5 to be shipped this week.

11 Undulator System Progress
Undulator quadrupole magnets The order has been placed with Everson-Tesla The first two 1st article quadrupoles rejected The 2nd two 1st articles arrive at Argonne this week The 33rd magnet arrives at SLAC February 13th

12 Undulator System Progress
The assembly of the Undulator Girders is on the project critical path for Undulator commissioning. Several parts are, or are near, the limiting factor RF BPM production The RFBPM performed very well in the 3-BPM test at ANL. Fabrication has begun on some parts, but design is just now finishing. Prototype fabrication (brazing) was problematic. The design has been simplified to address this.

13 Undulator System Progress
Undulator Vacuum chamber The Stainless Steel ‘4-Weld’ design has been abandoned due to tight constraints on magnetic permeability. Three alternate designs were taken up, Extruded Al design Clamshell Al design (now halted) Cu tube design (now halted) The extruded Al design is now the baseline. Interior surface finish is polished and acceptable Mechanical, vacuum tolerances have been met Production schedule remains a concern Being pushed very hard

14 Schedule Girder assembly timeline Quads Vac. Ch. Assy. Install

15 LTU/e-dump status Controls and component fabrication for LTU -> dump installation is proceeding well. Co-occupancy in December Metrology, floor drilling, stand installation Stands RFI in November Contracts to go out soon for Floor drilling and stand installation Cable plant installation Beneficial-occupancy in March Most components out for fab., or in the shop

16 Approval for BC2 Commissioning
Preparedness Successful installation. Safety officers sign-off on applicable systems. Modification of BAS. Director’s Office Memo documenting preparedness. Permission to proceed with BC2 commissioning. SSO Written notification documenting preparedness.

17 LTU-Und-Dump Commissioning
LCLS Safety Assessment Document is due 7/2008 LCLS Accelerator Readiness Review is needed 10/2008 Systems installed, checked out, signed off by responsible parties. Safety officers’ sign­offs on approvals and installations. Safety specific systems (Personnel Protection) certified. Maintenance groups have procedures and training in place. Procedures in place for Operations, and Operators trained. Beam Authorization Sheet prepared. These items are in progress, and being organized by the Working Group for LCLS Commissioning and Operations Detailed commissioning schedule and performance goals have been produced and are maintained by the LCLS Physics group.

18 Summary Progress to-date has been good, especially with Injector commissioning Progress towards completion of the current installation is good Commissioning can proceed as planned The installation of the rest of the electron beamline follows the current installation very closely Undulator assembly is on that critical path. Components are arriving from ANL Schedule, Schedule, Schedule!

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