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  Rotations Y Changes in frame of reference or point of view

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Presentation on theme: "  Rotations Y Changes in frame of reference or point of view"— Presentation transcript:

1   Rotations Y Changes in frame of reference or point of view
involve transformations of coordinate axes (or, more generally, basis set) X = Z´ Z

2 Rotations Y y x X = Z´ Z

3 v´ = R v cos sin 0 -sin cos 0 R =

4 r´ r r´ = r - a a Translations parallel translation
Y Translations parallel translation (no rotation) of axes r r´ = r - a a X Vectors (and functions) are translated in the “opposite direction” as the coordinate system. Z How can we possibly express an operator like this as a matrix?

5 The trick involves using
to cast matrix operators as exponentials where H is an operator…or matrix the unit matrix ···

6 and we’ll make that connection through
Taylor Series (in 1-dimension) …and this useful limit

7  δax= δay= δaz= f (r) f (r) f f (x0+δx) = f (x0) + δx x ax N
For an infinitesimal translation x=x0 3 f (r) i=1 Ok…but how can any matrix represent this? ax N δax= δay= δaz= Imagine dividing the entire translation a into ay N and applying this little step N times N az N f (r)

8 making this a continuous smooth translation
lim N∞ i ħ (-iħ )

9 For homework you will be asked to do the same thing for rotations
i.e., show you can cast in the same form. cos sin 0 -sin cos 0 R= - You should start from: R= Later we will generalize this result to:

10 Rotation of coordinate axes by  about any arbitrary axis 
^ Rotation of coordinate axes by  about any arbitrary axis  Rotation of the physical system within fixed coordinate axes Recall, even more fundamentally, the QM relation: Time evolution of an initial state, generated by the Hamiltonian

11 p a J  H t Amount of transformation Nature of the transformation
Operator “Generator” p a Translation: moving linearly through space rotating through space J H t translation through time

12 The Silver Surfer, Marvel Comics Group, 1969

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