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Speed Presentations for the Current Event newspaper/magazine article— (individual, 3 minutes, no notes, no PPT) Element Description Approximate Time Facts.

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Presentation on theme: "Speed Presentations for the Current Event newspaper/magazine article— (individual, 3 minutes, no notes, no PPT) Element Description Approximate Time Facts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed Presentations for the Current Event newspaper/magazine article— (individual, 3 minutes, no notes, no PPT) Element Description Approximate Time Facts What are the material details, including context, from the article that you read? ~20 seconds Issues What substantive issues or open questions does this article raise? Of all of those issues/questions, which issue/question is the most important? Rules Which strategy theory/model/framework best applies to address the most important issue/question? Application How do you address the most important issue/question from the article using that strategy theory/model/framework? ~60 seconds Conclusion How does your analysis help all of us better understand the recent past? … better predict what is likely to happen in the near future?

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