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Course: Statistics in Bioinformatics Date: 指導教授: 陳光琦 學生: 吳昱賢

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Presentation on theme: "Course: Statistics in Bioinformatics Date: 指導教授: 陳光琦 學生: 吳昱賢"— Presentation transcript:

1 Course: Statistics in Bioinformatics Date:20070430 指導教授: 陳光琦 學生: 吳昱賢
midterm project Course: Statistics in Bioinformatics Date: 指導教授: 陳光琦 學生: 吳昱賢

2 What is BioConductor? What is BioConductor? As the website saying
Bioconductor is an open source and open development software project for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data.

3 Outline 軟體資訊 功能簡介 相關教學 使用心得

4 Bioconductor R software project for the analysis and comprehension of biomedical and genomic data. Gene expression arrays (cDNA, Affymetrix) Pathway graphs Genome sequence data Started in 2001 by Robert Gentleman, Dana Farber Cancer Institute. About 25 core developers, at various institutions in the US and Europe. Tools for integrating biological metadata from the web (annotation, literature) in the analysis of experimental metadata. End-user and developer packages.

5 Example R/BioC Packages
methods Class/method tools tools tkWidgets Sweave(),gui tools marrayTools, marrayPlots Spotted cDNA array analysis affy Affymetrix array analysis annotate Link microarray data to metadata on the web mva, cluster, clust, class Clustering and classification t.test, prop.test, wilcox.test Statistical tests

6 wiki most of the content on this wiki is aimed at developers of Bioconductor packages.

7 Demo Install R and Bioconductor packages.








15 > MAplot(affybatch.example)



18 使用範例學習

19 R console


21 結論 1.Bioconductor is a useful tool in dealing with static problem on microarray 2.affy example show the power of the R 3. I benefit a lots from this report like how to use bioC in R.

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