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Successful, Trustworthy, Accountable, Respectful, Supportive

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Presentation on theme: "Successful, Trustworthy, Accountable, Respectful, Supportive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful, Trustworthy, Accountable, Respectful, Supportive
Star Traits Successful, Trustworthy, Accountable, Respectful, Supportive Hallway

2 Learning Targets Students will use passing time efficiently.
Students will conduct themselves in appropriate manner while in the outer and inner hallways. Be sure to read aloud, while students follow along, the learning targets. Dignity:

3 Basic Expectations Successful- Students will move along, manage their time, and memorize their locker number and combination. Trustworthy- Students will be in the hallways at the appropriate times. Accountable- Students will use a quiet voice, be timely, keep hallways clean, and follow dress code. Respectful- Students will use appropriate language and respect personal space. Supportive- Students will be patient in a crowd and be forgiving.

4 Be S.T.A.R.S. Encourage students to move along and get to class on time. Use bathroom during passing time. Be mindful of classes that are in session. Use appropriate language and tone throughout the hallways.

5 Learning Targets Revisited
How do you use passing time efficiently? What does appropriate behavior in the hallway look like? Re-read and review the learning targets. Were the targets addressed? Did we cover all that we were supposed to cover?

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