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Short Answer Test Near East, Egyptian, Ancient Greece, and Roman Art

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1 Short Answer Test Near East, Egyptian, Ancient Greece, and Roman Art
Each question is worth 10 points. B

2 Question #1: What is the purpose of this painting?
House of Publius Fannius--reconstructed

3 Pont du Gard Late 1st Century Nimes, France
Question #2: Please explain how this structure made urban life possible. 3

4 Question #3: What are the two specific ways that an arch can collapse?

5 Question #4: Where would this sculpture be situated
Question #4: Where would this sculpture be situated? How can you as the viewer tell? Dying Warrior Temple of Aphaia, Aegina c. 480 BCE marble, 6 feet Archaic Period

6 Frieze from the Parthenon (interior Ionic frieze), c. 438-32 B.C.E.
Question #5: What does this scene symbolically communicate to the viewer?

7 Question #6: What are two specific “things” that make this sculpture so different from Polykleitos’ Doryphoros? Praxiteles Hermes and the Infant Dionysos

8 Column of Trajan Question #7: What is the purpose of this column?
Rome or after 117 CE Overall height with base 125’ Column alone 97’ 8” 8

9 Question #8: What is the basilica such an INCREDIBLY significant structure?
Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine Finished 312 C.E.

10 The Ziggurat of Ur c. 2100-2050 BCE in Modern Iraq
Question #9: What is the symbolic function of a ziggurat? What is the political purpose of a ziggurat?

11 Judgment before Osiris from a Book of the Dead Dynasty 19, c. 1285 BCE
Question #10: What is the dog-headed man (Anubis) doing? What is the scary dog/crocodile (Ammit) waiting for so eagerly? What are both Horus and Anubis holding in their hands? Judgment before Osiris from a Book of the Dead Dynasty 19, c BCE

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