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Agenda item 3.3 (d) Common monitoring framework

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1 Agenda item 3.3 (d) Common monitoring framework
CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 13th meeting – 06/09/12 Agenda item 3.3 (d) Common monitoring framework

2 Common Implementation Framework
"As part of the CIF, the Commission will undertake with the Member states and the EEA technical work to link existing biodiversity data and knowledge with the implementation and monitoring of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy and to streamline EU and global monitoring, reporting and review obligations under environmental and other legislation as well as to avoid duplication and increase of reporting and administrative burden."

3 Legend; Current chairmanship in brackets, Core groups in bold,
Legend; Current chairmanship in brackets, Core groups in bold, * group to be created, ** group under considertion a part of the legislative proposal NB: The group listing in boxes shows the core groups and those others identified as most relevant and is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all existing groups.

4 Coherent approach, clear working methods
Governance Reporting Expert Group: Target 1 (2, 3, 4) SEBI 2010: all targets (to be upgraded to 2020) MAES Working Group: Baseline for all Other EU environmental policies monitoring groups: Target (2), 3, 4, (6) Coherent approach, clear working methods

5 Building a framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting on EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy
MEASUREMENTS (REPORTNET) Measure & record DATA Integrate & manage MONITORING Visualise & describe Coherent framework (BISE) ASSESSMENT Analyse & understand REPORTS Explain & communicate Interoperability / Transparent / Harmonise TABLE DATABASE INDICATOR REPORT MULTIMEDIA KNOWLEDGE BASE

6 1. Monitoring EU 2010 Biodiversity baseline to be updated/upgraded
SEBI 2010 indicators to be updated/upgraded Other relevant indicators (BAP, IRENA, etc.) to be integrated Gaps to be filled (e.g. ecosystem services) Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and services Upcoming reporting (Birds Directive, Article 17, WFD, MSFD, RDP, etc.)

7 2. Assessment and Reporting

8 3. Expected outcomes Coherent set of indicators for EU and global 2020 targets EU baseline strengthened (MAES) Biodiversity-related requirements under EU reporting obligations streamlined EU and global frameworks aligned Environmental data and information shared through BISE

9 CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy

10 Target 1: Fully implement the Birds and Habitats Directive
(Baseline) new Assessment 2014 Species Habitats ? Measure 1: x% of species assessments have an improved conservation status meaning Target 1 is [fully/nearly/not] reached ? Measure 2: x% of habitat assessments have an improved conservation status meaning Target 1 is [fully/nearly/not] reached Key actions

11 Proposed information on key actions
Cumulative surface area of sites Designated by the Habitats Directive (SCIs) over time

12 Target 3: Increase contribution of agriculture and forestry to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity Species Habitats ? Measure 1: x% of species assessments in agro-ecosystems have an improved conservation status meaning Target 3 is [fully/nearly/not] reached ? Measure 2: x% of habitat assessments in agro-ecosystems have an improved conservation status meaning Target 3 is [fully/nearly/not] reached Additional Measurements Key actions

13 Issues for discussion Agreement with the proposed approach?
What would be the best articulation between existing data gathering processes and other reporting systems to develop a coherent and consistent set of indicators?  What governance aspects would be most effective for the delivery of a coherent framework (coordinating structure, alternative ways, responsibility for the selection of indicators, role for SEBI, role of EEA)? How to facilitate the involvement of the necessary actors? How can the Member States be more efficiently involved?

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