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Published byกุญชนิตา ติณสูลานนท์ Modified over 5 years ago
Civilian Secretariat for Police
Introduction Civilian Secretariat for Police The Strategic Plan of the Civilian Secretariat for Police shows significant changes to the organisational structure of the Secretariat in the 2013/14 financial year in order to align its functions with the legislative mandate laid down in the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act, 2011 (Act No. 2 of 2011). The Act was promulgated on 01 December 2011 with the exception of two crucial provisions, the first being the establishment of the Secretariat as a designated department and the second, the appointment of the Secretary of Police as the Accounting Officer of the Secretariat. The Secretariat was expected to receive its first voted funds in the 2013/14 financial year, but due to organisational challenges, the 01 April 2013 deadline was missed. The Secretariat will continue to function as a cost centre of the South African Police Service (SAPS), currently located in the Administration Programme of the SAPS for the 2013/14 financial year. The alignment between the revised strategic objectives, objective statements, performance indicators and budget allocation remains inadequate in the 2013/14 financial year. Many of the specific targets of 2012/13 have been changed and replaced by overarching targets, making these vague and to a certain degree not allowing for the accurate measurement of service delivery from the Secretariat.
Civilian Secretariat for Police
2013/14 Budget Civilian Secretariat for Police Economic Classification: Assets less than R increased by % Consultants and Professional Services increased by % Legal costs increased by 49% Computer service increased by % - Entire R5.5 million allocation in Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Training and Staff development decreased by 54.19% Machinery and Equipment increased by % (Mistake in APP in total for Goods and Services under Current payments - explained) Programmes 2012/13 R’ 000 2013/14 Percentage change in 2013/14 Programme 1: Administration 53 380 67 102 25.71% Programme 2: Partnerships 2 914 3 529 19.99% Programme 3: Policy and Research 1 155 2 025 75.32% Programme 4: Legislation 1 380 0.00% Programme 5: Monitoring and Evaluation 4 567 8 798 92.64% Total 63 423 82 834 30.6%
Programme 1: Administration
Sub-programme: Office of the Secretary for Police Changed significantly in 2013/14 Three Sub-programmes instead of five These include Sub-sub programme. Some previous sub-programmes were made sub-sub programmes in 2013/14. Office of the Secretary Sub-programme New targets: Approved Registry Policy for document management (Similar target previously included in the Auxiliary Services sub-programme (Update registry and archive system). Approved Registry File Plan for registration, filling and retrieval of documents in line with MISS. Amended targets: Full Implementation of Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act: The 100% target for implementation (2012/13) was lowered to 90% in 2013/14. The target for Effective implementation of new organisational structure is included in the Office of the Secretary Sub-programme as well as the Corporate Services Sub-programme under the Sub-sub-programme Human Resources Management. Figures for Audited/actual performance on the following targets differ significantly in the 2013/14 APP compared to the 2012/13 APP: (1) Effective communication and alignment with provinces, (2) Strategic & technical advice to the Minister, and (3) Engage government departments through JCPS Cluster processes.
Programme 1: Administration
Sub-programme: Corporate Services Corporate Services Sub-programme (Two Sub-sub programmes) (1) Human Resource Management and Development Sub-sub programme New targets: HRM and HRD Strategy. (2) Communications & Information and Technology Services Sub-sub programme Included for the first time – new sub-sub-programme The name of the sub-sub-programme states that it is to provide the Secretariat with communication, information and technology services, yet the newly included sub-sub-programme makes no mention of technology services. It contains no ICT/IS Plan, even though the budgetary allocation for Computer Services increased by per cent in real terms compared to 2012/13 and the entire allocation of R5.5 million is budgeted for in the Monitoring and Evaluation Programme. The APP states that there are no links to other plans (Part C: Links to the long-term infrastructure and other capital plans), where Departments are generally required to include details to such plans. The new targets are all linked to the development of communication strategies and facilitation of public awareness - no targets on information technology development.
Programme 1: Administration
Sub-programme: Office of the Chief Financial Officer Two Sub-sub-programmes: Supply Chain Management Financial Management Supply Chain Management Sub-sub-programme New targets: Reports on rotation of suppliers utilised from updated database Procurement Plan prepared and submitted to Treasury. Reports on maintenance of updated Asset Register and asset management plan Reports on disposal of assets Reports on signed Codes of Conduct Financial Management Sub-sub-programme The purpose of the sub-sub-programme is to provide PFMA-compliant financial, accounting and supply chain services to the Civilian Secretariat for Police. Targets reflect the purpose of the sub-sub-programme.
Programme 1: Administration
Budget Allocations – 2013/14 Administration Programme received an increased allocation of R 19.4 million in the 2013/14 financial year compared to the previous year. The adjusted allocation of R million in 2012/13 increased to R million in 2013/14. This represents a nominal increase of 25.7 per cent. The now stand-alone Corporate Services sub-programme received a significant real decrease of per cent in 2013/14 (R2.502 million) compared to 2012/13 (R6.127 million). As the performance indicators and targets did not change significantly in this sub-programme, it is important to request an explanation on this budgetary realignment, which is expected to continue over the MTEF. Economic classification Legal costs: Increased allocation of 57 per cent from R54 thousand in 2012/13 compared to R85 thousand in 2013/14. Assets less than R : Increased by 316 per cent in 2013/14 (R25 thousand) compared to the R6 allocation received in 2012/13. Catering: Departmental activities: Increased allocation of 20% from R498 thousand in 2012/13 compared to R600 thousand in 2013/14. No budgetary allocations made for Computer Services. Purchase of Capital Assets: Increased by 154 per cent from R255 thousand in 2012/13 to R650 thousand in 2013/14.
Programme 2: Partnerships
Performance Targets Comprises four Sub-programmes, which are: (1) Civil Society Partnerships, (2) Intergovernmental Partnerships, (3) Community Outreach Programmes, and (4) Public-Private Partnerships Sub-programme 2.2: Intergovernmental Partnerships Number of facilitation forums established in provinces for roll out of CSFs (new). Number of monitoring reports on the roll out of CSFs (new). Number of agreements in place with NWG, DevCom, Prov Secretariats, SALGA on CSF roll out (new). Number of workshops facilitated with NWG, DevCom and Provincial Secretariats (new). Sub-programme 2.3: Community Outreach Programmes Number of Provinces implementing CPF guidelines – removed. Number of facilitation forums established in provinces for roll out of CSFs - removed. Number of monitoring reports on the roll out of CSFs - removed. Sub-programme 2.4: Public-Private Partnerships Implemented anti-crime projects with academic institutions. Target: 1 (new) Implement anti-crime initiatives. Target: 2 (new) Implement anti-crime projects. Target 2 (new) Rural Safety Strategy implemented - removed.
Programme 2: Partnerships
Budget Allocation – 2013/14 The Programme received an increased allocation of R588 thousand in 2013/14. The 2012/13 allocation of R2.941 million increased to R3.529 million received in 2013/14. This represents a real increase of per cent. The Intergovernmental Partnerships Programme received an increased allocation of per cent (real terms), which is the largest allocation increase within the Partnerships Programme. Economic Classifications: Within Goods and Services, the allocation for Communication increased by 23 per cent from R130 thousand in the 2012/13 financial year to R161 thousand in the 2013/14 financial year.
Programme 3: Policy and Research
Performance Targets Policy Development Sub-programme New indicators/targets: Number of policing policies on all aspects of policing. Target: 3. Finalise White Paper on Policing. Draft White Paper on Safety and Security Number of special projects undertaken as per direction of the Secretary. Removed targets: Finalise and approve White Paper (Now split into the two separate policy papers). Number of engagements with reference group established by the Secretary. Forum with SAPS to feed into ongoing research and policy issues. Work with M&E on key issues based on recommendations. Identify and develop policy of specific areas referred to in the White Paper. Develop policy on the establishment of the DNA database (presumably the policy on the database is finalised). Research Development Sub-programme The 2012/13 indicators were specific and listed a total of ten (10) specific research documents to be completed. These ten indicators/targets have been collapsed into three indicators/targets for 2013/14, one of which states that four research projects should be done.
Programme 3: Policy and Research
Budget Allocation – 2013/14 Policy and Research Sub-programme received a significant increased allocation in 2013/14 compared to 2012/13. In 2013/14, it received a total allocation of R2.025 million compared to the adjusted allocation of R1.155 million in 2012/13. This represents an increased allocation of % in real terms. The Policy Development Sub-programme received a significant increase: The 2012/13 allocation was R500 thousand, which increased to R883 thousand in 2013/14. This is a real increase of 67.23%. Yet, the targets in this sub-programme changed and decreased. Similarly, the Research Development Sub-programme received an increased allocation of % (nominal terms). The allocation increased form R600 thousand in 2012/13 to R1.082 million in 2013/14. Yet, the performance indicators and measurable performance targets decreased in 2013/14 compared to 2012/13. Economic Classifications: Goods and Service increased by 75 per cent between 2012/13 and 2013/14. Consultancy and Professional Services: Business and advisory services increased by 3 081% in nominal terms. The allocation increased from R11 thousand in 2012/13 to R350 thousand in 2013/14. Travel and Subsistence increased by 41 per cent in 2013/14 compared to 2012/13.
Programme 4: Legislation
Performance Targets New indicators: Review Department of Police legislation in accordance with constitutional imperatives and policies. Regulations drafted as required in terms of reviewed departmental legislation. (This should not be confused with the 2012/13 target stating that Draft Regulations for the Civilian Secretariat for Police approved and implemented as this target refers to the Secretariat’s Regulations and not that of the SAPS. Four regulations are listed: Regulations for the reviewed SAPS Act; Regulation for the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (DPCI); Additional regulations for the Firearms Control Amendment Act; and Regulation for the DNA Database legislation. Advice and support to Minister on Statutory obligations and responsibilities. Opinions to Minister on constitutional and legal matters affecting policing. Presentations to Cluster and Parliamentary Committees of draft legislation. Approved legislative programme for Department of Police. Removed targets: Draft Regulations for the Civilian Secretariat for Police approved and implemented. Shared service agreement with SAPS approved and implemented. Approved and enacted SAPS Amendment Act 2012. Approval and enactment of the Dangerous Weapons Act of 2012. Legislation on the Firearms Amendment Act placed before Parliament. Legislation in the review of SAPS Act tabled in Parliament.
Programme 4: Legislation
Budget Allocation – 2013/14 The budget allocations for the Legislation Programme can unfortunately not be analysed as it contains inconsistencies, making the reliability of the information provided questionable. Explanation: The figures provided suggest that the Programme received no additional funding in 2013/14. The allocation remains constant at R1.380 million from 2012/13 to 2013/14, which represents a decreased allocation on 5.30 per cent in real terms. Also the figures reported in the APP is inconsistent, as page 53 of the APP states the total allocation for 2013/14 as R3.325 million, while there is no evidence of this increased allocation in the APP. The same table also states the same total at R1.380 million. This allocation is also reported on page 8 of the 2013/14 APP for the allocations made towards the Programme in 2012/13 and estimates over the MTEF in 2013/14. With the change in the strategic objectives of the Secretariat to focus on legislative support to the Minister, the lack of increased allocation to this the Legislation Programme, might be interpreted as a misalignment. The Secretariat should explain the allocations made towards the Legislation Programme.
Programme 5: Monitoring and Evaluation
Performance Targets Sub-programme 5.1: Police Performance The key focus of the strategic objective for this Sub-programme changed from monitoring police performance to improving police performance, which is welcomed. It is a concern that the target and performance indicator for Number of Budget and Expenditure Review Reports contained in the previous year’s APP (2012/13) was changed to only measure the Number of budget assessment reports done on a bi-annual basis. Sub-programme 5.2: Police Conduct The fact that the newly included target for the Uptake rate of recommendations by the SAPS is set at a very low 25 per cent, is very concerning as the SAPS should take the recommendations made by the Secretariat more seriously and should be around 100 per cent uptake rate. the target set for Percentage of audited disciplinary outcomes/decisions on misconduct that comply with set standards is also relatively low at 20 per cent The target for Number of effective complaints management system in place changed in 2013/14 compared to 2012/13 in which the target measured the Number of complaints management system review reports, thus the target is now simplified to firstly establish whether there is an effective complaints management system in place.
Programme 5: Monitoring and Evaluation
Performance Targets Sub-programme 5.3: Compliance The target for the Number of Firearms management reports is removed from the 2013/14 APP. Surely this is ongoing as the SAPS is experiencing excessive challenges with the system (and is still using the old system). The entire Sub-programme now only contains a target on the implementation of legislation (one report on each), namely: (1) Sexual Offences Act, (2) Child Justice Act, and (3) bi-annual reports on the Domestic Violence Act to be submitted to Parliament. It also contains another target for one report to be produced on the implementation of the Public Policing Policy. Sub-programme 5.4: Evaluations The target for the Number of reports on the implementation of special projects was amended to read the Number of Special Projects reports. Thus, removing the focus on implementation of special projects and shifting it to merely submitting four reports in 2013/14. New targets Number of approved three year evaluation plans Number of evaluation reports on (1) Resolving of Crime and (2) SAPS Garages Number of submissions to the JCPS Cluster and DEVCOM
Programme 5: Monitoring and Evaluation
Budget Allocation – 2013/14 The allocations for sub-programmes shifted significantly in 2013/14 compared to 2012/13. The allocation increased by 93.6 per cent (nominal term) from an adjusted appropriation of R4.567 million in 2012/13 to an estimated allocation of R8.798 million in 2013/14. The decrease in the estimated allocation made to the Police Conduct Sub-programme and the even more severe increase (doubling) of the allocations to the Evaluation Sub-programme. The allocation for the Police Conduct Sub-Programme decreased from R1.179 million in 2012/13 (Adjusted allocation) to an estimated allocation of R120 thousand in 2013/14. This represents a real decrease of per cent. With the increased focus on police conduct and professionalising the SA Police Service, this can at face value be regarded as a misalignment of the budget and strategic priorities of the Secretariat and should be explained by the Secretariat. The increased allocation for the Evaluation Sub-programme is interesting, as it is not clear from the targets and performance indicators how this additional funding will be used. The allocation in 2012/13 was R823 thousand compared to the R2.051 million allocations appropriated to this sub-programme. It represents an increase of per cent in real terms ( per cent in nominal terms). Economic Classification Computer Services: The allocation for Computer Services increased from R1.7 million in 2012/13 to R5.5 million in 2013/14. This represents an increase of per cent in nominal terms.
Personnel Establishment
The 2013/14 Budget, Annual Performance Plan and Strategic Plan make little mention of human resources management and training. It fails to provide any information on the current staff establishment of the Secretariat and also does not provide the vacancy rate of the organisation. Both the 2012/13 and 2013/14 APPs state exactly the same in terms of personnel growth. The Secretariat must provide the full staff establishment of the organisation together with the current vacancy rate in order to assess the actual achievements made towards the implementation of the full organisational structure of the Secretariat. Comprehensive information on the staff establishment should be provided as a matter of course in the APP and with the Secretariat becoming a designated department it is required to develop and produce a full chapter in the Vote in the Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE). The Secretariat should provide comprehensive details on the Training and Staff Development Plan of the Secretariat. This should not only include the number of bursaries to personnel to fund tertiary education, but training on the aspects pertinent to the core business of the Secretariat.
Conclusion The Civilian Secretariat for Police should increase their focus on well developed performance indicators and should defined measurable targets to effectively monitor and measure service delivery. This should be especially done for legislation and policy development to increase the professionalism of the SAPS and ensure that the recommendations of the National Development Plan come to fruition. Increased pressure should be placed on the Secretariat to become a designated department and by doing so ensuring the full enactment of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act of 2011.
Nicolette van Zyl-Gous
Thank you ~ Questions Nicolette van Zyl-Gous Researcher: Portfolio Committee on Police 19
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