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throughout In every part of

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1 throughout In every part of After the pillow fight, there were feathers throughout the house.

2 The sprawling roots of the tree covered the entire lawn.
Spread out unevenly The sprawling roots of the tree covered the entire lawn.

3 Jesse sought out the police officer to tell him about the robbery.
Looked for Jesse sought out the police officer to tell him about the robbery.

4 Girls refer to Zac Efron as Mr. Gorgeous because he is so handsome.
Think of as Girls refer to Zac Efron as Mr. Gorgeous because he is so handsome.

5 ragged Worn out, shabby The house was ragged and shabby with shutters falling on the ground and broken steps on the porch.

6 dainty fragile A butterfly’s wings are very dainty and will tear easily if it is picked up.

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