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What is a force?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a force?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a force?

2 Newton (N) – the unit of force
What is a force? Force – a push or a pull Newton (N) – the unit of force

3 Forces Act on Objects All forces are exerted by one object on another object

4 Forces in Combination Net force- the force that results from combining all the forces exerted on an object

5 Forces in the same direction
Forces in the same direction can be added together to determine the net force.

6 Forces in different directions
The net force for forces in opposite directions is determined by subtracting the smaller force from the larger one. The resultant (net force determined) force goes in the direction of the larger force.

7 Unbalanced Forces Unbalanced forces produce a change in motion
Unbalanced force is when the net force equals anything except ZERO Unbalanced forces are necessary to cause a non-moving object to start moving.

8 Balanced Forces Balanced forces produce NO change in motion
Do not cause a non- moving object to start moving Do not cause a change in the motion of a moving object Balanced forces are when the net force EQUALS zero.

9 Give four examples of a force being exerted.
Questions Give four examples of a force being exerted. Create a double bubble map : balanced vs unbalanced forces

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