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Presentation on theme: "SCHEMATIC MANOEUVRE ILLUSTRATIONS"— Presentation transcript:


2 ( not judged, not scored )
Take-off procedure ( not judged, not scored ) wind 1200 security line 4

3 P-11. 01: Figure M, 3/4-pt. roll up, 1/4 roll down, 1/2 outside
P-11.01: Figure M, 3/4-pt. roll up, 1/4 roll down, 1/2 outside loop with integrated 1/2 roll, 1/4 roll up, 3/4 roll down Two wing spans or more – zero points! Pivot on CG All rolls on middle of the line. 1/4 r. 3/4-pt. roll 3/4 roll 1/4 r. All radii are equal. 1/2 roll must be fully integrated on circular flight path of the half loop. 1/2 roll

4 P-11.02: Half reverse Cuban 8, with 2/4-pt. roll up
2/4-pt. roll on middle of the line. 2/4-pt. roll

5 P-11.02: Half reverse Cuban 8, with 2/4-pt. roll up
All radii are equal.

6 Same direction - zero points!
P-11.03: Two slow rolls in opposite direction: Same direction - zero points! Pause between rolls is very brief. The two slow rolls must have the same roll rate.

7 P-11.04: Half square loop, snap roll up, inverted exit
Snap roll may be positive or negative. Snap roll on middle of the line. If snap roll = barrel roll or aileron roll: Severe downgrade > 5 pts. ( ) All radii are equal.

8 P-11.05: 4-pt. roll on 45 degrees down, inverted exit
Roll on middle of the line. 4-pt. roll 45° All radii are equal.

9 P-11.06: Push-push-pull humpty bump, 1/2 roll up, 2/4-pt. roll down
Rolls on middle of the line. 1/2 roll 2/4-pt. roll

10 P-11.06: Push-push-pull humpty bump, 1/2 roll up, 2/4-pt. roll down
All radii are equal. 1/2 roll 2/4-pt. roll

11 P-11.07: Loop, with 8-pt. roll integrated over top 180 degrees
8-pt. roll must be fully integrated on circular flight path over 180 degrees. 8-pt. roll

12 P-11.08: Half square loop on corner, 2/4-pt. rolls, inverted exit
Rolls on middle of the line. All radii are equal. 2/4-pt. roll

13 All radii are equal. Rolls on middle of the line.
P-11.09: Reverse Cuban 8, 4/8-pt. roll and 2/4-pt. roll in on degree downlines, inverted exit 2/4-pt. roll 4/8-pt. roll All radii are equal. Rolls on middle of the line.

14 P-11.10: Half loop with 1/2 roll, exit inverted exit
Half roll immediately after the half loop. 1/2 roll

15 P-11. 11: Reverse 8-pt. roll (4/8-pt. rolls in opposite direction),
P-11.11: Reverse 8-pt. roll (4/8-pt. rolls in opposite direction), inverted exit Hesitations between all roll segments must be equal. All segments are of equal length. 4/8-pt-roll

16 P-11.12: Stall turn, 2/4-pt. roll up, full roll down
2/4 pt.roll on middle of the line.

17 P-11.12: Stall Turn, 2/4-Punkt-Rolle aufwärts und Ganze Rolle abwärts
Pivot on CG Two wing spans or more – zero points! Full roll Roll in middle of the line All radii are equal.

18 P-11.13: Double immelmann, 2/4-pt. roll and full roll, inverted exit
The length of the upper horizontal line (incl. roll) is equal to the diameter of the loops. 2/4-pt-roll 2/4 roll immediately after the half loop. Full roll Full roll immediately after the half loop.

19 P-11.14: Figure 9, full roll up Roll on middle of the line Full roll
All radii are equal.

20 P-11.15: Opposite knife-edge
The knife-edge segments are of equal length, and must be long enough to demonstrate controlled, sustained knife-edge flight. 1/4 roll 1/4 roll 1/2 roll The direction of the rolls is R-L-R or L-R-L

21 P-11.16: Figure 8, full outside loop, ½ loop on top, inverted exit
All radii are equal.

22 Snap entry - zero points!
P-11.17: 2 1/4 inverted spins in opposite directions, with 1/2 roll exit Weather-cocking is downgraded 1pt/15° Snap entry - zero points! Spin reversal is immediate Forced entry: downgrade. Spiral dive - 0 points! 1/2 roll 1/2 roll is part of the manoeuvre

23 ( not judged, not scored )
Landing procedure ( not judged, not scored ) The direction of the landing may be different to the take off. wind 1200 security line 4

24 Forget WHO is flying (friend, rival, countryman, flier from other nation)
Forget WHAT is flying (2-stroke, 4-stroke, electric, turbine, rubber-power) LOOK ONLY AT LINES DESCRIBED IN THE SKY! (and the precision, smoothness, positioning, and size) Bob Skinner Thank you! Peter Uhlig, Oktober 2008


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