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Electronic and Printed Tax Services Chapter 6 Computer Tax Services Benefits User indexes, using any significant term Can tailor the inquiry to fit.

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2 Electronic and Printed Tax Services Chapter 6


4 Computer Tax Services Benefits User indexes, using any significant term Can tailor the inquiry to fit any specific tax problem Speed and flexibility, including hypertext linking Updates more current Broad availability of information and documents

5 Published v. Electronic Published Electronic Annotated Service Topical Service Everything Currency Index Browsing Full-text search

6 Major Electronic Tax Service Providers RIA Checkpoint CCH Tax Research Network Kleinrock TaxExpert

7 The First Step Formulate the issue Is it a question of deductibility? If so, what kind of outlay is it? What is the nature of the outlay that places its status in doubt? Is it a business expense, page 2, other? Do you already know the controlling IRC §

8 The Issue Is the $1,000 payment to Vendor on February 22 deductible? – will get you nowhere Is the purchase of a processor at a cost of $1,000 deductible as a business expense? – better Is the $1,000 purchase of a processor deductible as a business expense under IRC §162? – better, if you already know the controlling IRC § Is the $1,000 purchase of a processor deductible as a business expense under IRC §162, or must it be capitalized under IRC §263A? - better

9 The Issue (contd) Does the $1,000 cost of a processor qualify as a deduction under IRC §179? Much depends upon how much you already know about the controlling law, if any, when you begin your search To begin with, some key works might be – processor – deductible - capitalize

10 The Beginning of the Search Three search methods, depending upon how much you know about the controlling law Keywordkeyword search (obviously IRC §cite search Case namecite search Content

11 Published Tax Services Annotated Tax Services CCH – Standard Federal Tax Reporter RIA – United States Tax Reporter Organized by IRC § Hard copy compilations Search by Keyword – Index Topic or Subject Code Section Case Name

12 Published Tax Services Annotated Tax Services Code Section Organization Service Annotation (not-authoritative) Code section Regulations Other authorities Cases Revenue Rulings Etc.

13 Published Tax Services Topical Tax Services Subject matter or transactions RIAs Federal Tax Coordinator 2d RIAs Analysis of Federal Taxes: Income (Analysis) BNAs Tax Management Portfolios (Portfolios) Wests Mertens Law of Federal Income Taxation (Mertens)

14 IRSs Website Lots of info Forms Publications Practitioners (info specifically needed by practitioners)

15 Questions ?

16 Electronic and Printed Legal Services (Secondary Authorities) Chapter 7

17 Electronic Legal Services LexisNexis BNA (Bureau of National Affairs) Tax Management Portfolios TaxCore – daily news service Tax Analysts – very comprehensive TaxBase Tax Notes Today Westlaw Mertens – Law of Federal Income Taxation Bittker & Loken Service

18 Questions ?

19 Journals, Newsletters, and Internet News Services Chapter 9

20 Tax Periodicals Secondary Authorities Annual proceedings Scholarly reviews Professional journals Newsletters

21 Tax Periodicals Annual Proceedings Annual tax professionals conferences NYU Institute on Federal Taxation University of Chicago Law Schools Annual Federal Tax Conference USCs Major Tax Planning Institute Tulane Tax Institute Penn State Tax Conference

22 Tax Periodicals Scholarly Reviews Law and business schools law review or academic journal publications Tax Law Review by NYU School of Law Virginia Tax Review by University of Virginia School of Law Boston University Journal of Tax Law / BU Florida Tax Review by U of Florida

23 Tax Periodicals Professional Tax Journals AICPAs Tax Adviser ABA Section on Taxations Tax Lawyer Warren, Gorham & Lamonts Journal of Taxation Taxation for Accountants Journal of Partnership Taxation CCHs Taxes

24 Tax Periodicals Tax Newsletters CCHs Tax News Direct Taxes on Parade BNAs Daily Tax Report Tax Analysts Tax Base Tax Notes

25 Questions? ?

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