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Aim: Explain the Main Institutions of the Roman Republic

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Explain the Main Institutions of the Roman Republic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Explain the Main Institutions of the Roman Republic

2 Why Did Rome Develop a Republic?
Last king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud Harsh tyrant-driven from power in 509 BCE Romans declared they wouldn’t be ruled by a king Established Republic Form of government where power rests with citizens who have right to vote for leaders Citizenship granted to free-born male citizens 2

3 Patricians and Plebians
Different groups in Rome struggled for power 1)Patricians- Wealthy landowners/ had power 2) Plebians- Common farmers/ Majority Patricians inherit power on social status Plebians were citizens & had voting right Barred by law from holding government position Leaders did allow Plebians to form own assembly Plebians elected Tribunes- protected Plebians rights 3

4 Twelve Tables Important victory for Plebians
Forced the creation of a written law code With laws unwritten, Patrician officials interpreted law (Verbal) to suit themselves Law carved on 12 tablets Established idea that all citizen had right to the protection of the law 4

5 The Senate Branch of the government
Had legislative and administrative functions 300 members were chosen Exercised great influence 5

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