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Comedic Terms in Much Ado About Nothing.

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1 Comedic Terms in Much Ado About Nothing

2 Dramatic Irony: Situations in which there is a difference between what a character believes to be true and what the better-informed reader or audience knows to be true. Foil: A character, usually a minor one, who emphasizes the qualities of another character through implied contrast between the two. Mistaken Identity: When a character mistakes another character’s identity Pantaloon: A character in the comedy who is portrayed as a foolish old man in tight trousers and slippers.

3 Pun: A play on words which are either identical in sound (homonyms) or similar in sound but are different in meaning. Puns have serious as well as comic literary uses. Slapstick: A boisterous form of comedy marked by chases, collisions, and crude practical jokes. Verbal Irony: A discrepancy between the words spoken and the intended meaning, as in sarcasm.

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