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Adapting and Modifying Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "Adapting and Modifying Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapting and Modifying Curriculum
Differentiating instruction for student diversity

2 Why adapt & modify?

3 Some answers may include…
diversity is not an aberration education is a leader and listener to the changes in society everyone does not learn in the same way

4 Delivery of Support



7 Three Principles of Learning

8 Three principles of learning…
active student participation learning in a variety of ways and rates individual and group processes

9 We use adaptations every day.

10 Adaptation includes a student who is…
working on provincial learning outcomes (PLOs) from a lower grade level working on some, most or all of the PLOs

11 Adaptations are… teaching and assessment strategies
used to accommodate student learning needs designed to achieve the learning outcomes for a course or subject

12 How is this achieved ? choose a curricular area identify a key concept
identify the prescribed learning outcome(s) Reference: Curriculum Summaries 2008, Overviews and PLOs

13 successful teaching and learning. Brownlie/King
Adapting doesn’t mean cheating, it means successful teaching and learning. Brownlie/King learning how birds fly

14 Grading and Reporting for

15 - obligated to explain the level of adaptation to parents
Lower grade reporting - obligated to explain the level of adaptation to parents - regular reporting procedures: performance scales & letter grades

16 Lower grade reporting - adaptations in the IEPs - indicate adaptations in the students progress report

17 Modification includes a child who is…
unable to access the curriculum

18 Students may have… limited awareness of their surroundings fragile mental / physical health medically/cognitively/multiply challenged

19 Considering Modifying
it is a rare practice for students not identified as ‘special needs’ need only form part of an educational program need not be a permanent or long term solution

20 Deciding to Modify must be made in consultation with parents, school administration, and instructional personnel never by a single teacher a formal decision need not be made until grade 10

21 Grading and Reporting for

22 form should be decided at the school level
letter grades may be given in relation to the IEP goals, not the curricular outcomes specific IEP outcomes should be included on the progress report


24 What do I have to do to ensure success for all students?
Barbara Hoskins

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