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Willow Class Newsletter

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1 Willow Class Newsletter
Mathletics- Mathletics has been set for you, but please ensure you also complete the topical maths that is set for you. Willow Class Newsletter 7th December 2018 Science Journals- Environmental Impact. For this week’s homework I would like to all prepare a presentation about the impact of plastic on our planet. This is very topical at the moment and as part of our science curriculum, you are to research about current issues that impact the natural world. Plastic usage is the perfect issue to discuss. I’d like you to be prepared to talk about what you have found out, you could even talk to the class about ways we can all help or, come up with some solutions of your own that we could implement in and around school. . This week in maths we have been tackling statistics. We’ve been learning how to collect, read and interpret data from a range of different sources. For your homework this week, I would like you to collect some data of your own, display it in either a table or a bar chart and think of at least three questions that could be answered based on your data. The data you collect is entirely up to you however you could collect data based on people’s favourite fruit, sports, colours, cars or animals The Afterwards by A.F, Harrold This books is book of the month and it is FANTASTIC! Have a read, see what you think. Mrs K’s spelling group- Habitat, sudden, quietly, expected, threaten, unfortunate, curiously, certain, certainly, unfortunately. Spellings –Please ensure that you are using these words correctly in your writing too. Mrs Jones’s spelling group- because, made, sudden, quick, quiet, happily, once, forget, making.



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