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North Paulding Winter Guard

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1 North Paulding Winter Guard
Season Parent Informational Meeting November 3, 2016

2 What is Winter guard? Winter Guard is an indoor activity where students are given the opportunity to dance, spin flags, and rifles to a recorded track. Cadet class is for units made up of middle school students only, all members must be 8th grade or younger. NPHS Cadets competed last year in the SAPA circuit for the second time and are going to do so again this year. We are a feeder group under the North Paulding Band Boosters.

3 Rehearsal Schedule (NPHS Cadets)
Rifle Trials: November 9 and 10 3:45 to 5:15 (Any returning member can participate) Auditions/Spin Camp All Members: November 14th through 17th: 4:00-5:30 Deposit due November 29 ($150). SAPA Dues must be paid in order to register for competitions. Registering sooner enables us to sign up for competitions closer to home. Rehearsals will be Tuesdays and Thursdays: 4:00 – 6:00 1st Rehearsal: November 29, 2016 We will do one Saturday camp day in January, date TBA based on which competitions we are able to schedule. **Please schedule all doctors & dentist appointments accordingly.**

4 5 Competitive Shows **We will need parent volunteers because we will be carpooling.** *** Official schedule sent out as soon as we are able to register. SAPA Dues must be paid in order to register for competitions. Registering sooner enables us to sign up for competitions closer to home. 4 competitions between January and March April 1-2: SAPA Championships in Chattanooga, TN

5 Cadets Budget, Fees & Payment Dates
Budget: Due Dates: SAPA fees: $ November 17: Down payment - $ *20* Staff: $ December, January & February Remaining Balance Floor: $ Total cost per member: Uniforms and silks: $100 per member 15 members: $431 Show Shirt and bag: $40 per member 20 members: $358 Incidentals (props, tape, etc): $ members: $315 ALL fees must be paid in full by the second competition (in February). We can only order things we need as permitted by the amount of fees paid. Members with an outstanding balance at that time, will not compete.

6 Fund raiser: I would like to do a fund raiser so we can reduce the fees some, but need ideas of something everyone can easily do. Please any ideas you have that I can consider 

7 Additional materials needed
A convertible body tight to wear under their uniforms. These can be ordered online or purchased at dance shops such as Center Stage in Marietta Square or at Dance Rags in Mableton. ~$15-20. Show Makeup: To be determined… No more than $15. Additional Colored flag tape (can be purchased at Home Depot for ~$4.00)

8 Questions ? Mrs. Castro:
Mrs. Gaskins: Mr. Bright: Website:

9 “Día de los muertos – A Celebration of Life”
Show Concept NPHS Cadets: “Día de los muertos – A Celebration of Life”

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