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Published byReynard Rose Modified over 5 years ago
York St John University Primary Mentor Training Spring 2019
Jenny Carpenter Director of Partnerships, Link Tutor and Mentor Lead
T: M:
The Header Here Lunch and networking 1.00-3.00pm
Introduction to Mentoring The Mentor File Making observations pm Break pm Feedback, making summative judgements Recording and STASS Additional Support Procedures The role of the Link Tutor The Header Here Main points here
Mentor Training Information and Resources
Why is mentoring important?
- promoting the retention of teachers - helping trainees know that teaching is the right career for them - a form of personal and professional development - having a positive influence on the future of new teachers - opportunities to work in collaborative partnership
Issues - a mentor can make or break a trainee’s future
- espoused theory can be used and based upon how a mentor trained as a teacher themselves - mentors may not have received any formal training on how adults learn… Is this different to how children learn? - vague and varied definitions of what mentoring is - the need to be flexible and adaptable to meet the individual needs of trainees
YSJ aims for ITE trainees
1. To foster a range of approaches to professional learning and the development of pedagogical awareness, subject knowledge and teaching skills. 2. To promote the intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of participants through their engagement with issues and dilemmas in teaching. 3. To develop professional knowledge and understanding that enables student teachers to become sensitive, flexible teachers who are able to draw upon evidence and experience to facilitate high quality learning. 4. To enable student teachers to become transformative professionals, able to analyse critically and influence, in collaboration with others, educational policy and practice. 5. To provide opportunities for student teachers to achieve the standards for Qualified Teacher Status.
Mentoring is… The Header Here - active education for the trainee
- concerned with continuing personal as well as professional development - about easing transitions and ensuring development - responsive to individual strengths, values and needs of the mentor and trainee - compassion, and acknowledgement that mistakes are inevitable - recognising which mistakes are acceptable and which are not The Header Here Main points here Fletcher, S (2000) Mentoring in schools. London: KoganPage
Understanding the student teacher’s journey
Early idealism Personal survival Dealing with difficulties Hitting a plateau Moving on SE handbook Furlong & Maynard (1995)
Mentor Leadership Programme
Mentoring The mentor utilises own experience and knowledge to support the student teacher Suggestions, solutions and alternatives offered by the mentor More guidance on the ‘how to’ More mentor-led discussion Coaching The coach listens more than talks Asks challenging questions to enable the student teacher to come to own conclusions Offers suggestions as a last resort
Mentoring and Coaching
Mentoring Coaching Year 1 UG Year 2 UG Year 3 UG SE SE SE3 PGCE
The role of the mentor (p3-4)
Mentor handbook Support how to assess, plan and teach dealing with class management involvement in the wider school enabling school-based tasks pastoral issues Lesson appraisals observing competence, confidence, performance and character making judgements against the Teachers’ Standards checking planning and how the trainee is monitoring pupil progress
The role of the mentor (p3-4)
Reviewing progress providing feedback and challenge completing documentation and signing off setting targets identifying strengths providing and/or suggesting additional support Mentor handbook
Documentation changes 2018-19
NASBTT guidance slightly amended so all reference to grading lessons is deleted ‘Dealing with Placement Problems’ handbook renamed ‘Additional Support Procedures’ PGCE Record of Professional Development slightly re-organised New Mentor handbook
Documentation changes 2018-19
Appraisal form changed completely, following guidance and consultation with mentors, link tutors and the Primary Steering Group Exemplars available Guidance on its use on the website
School of Education: key priorities 2018-19
To increase: Student teacher confidence and competence for TS2 – Pupil Progress, with a focus on progress for all learners Student teacher confidence and competence for TS5– Differentiation, including those who have special educational needs, are disadvantaged and the higher attaining pupils Student teacher confidence and competence for TS6 – Monitoring and Assessment with particular reference to how assessment can be used to adapt teaching to maximise pupils’ progress Student completion (and maintain recent improvements) on the PGCE University centred and School Direct routes Student teacher confidence in relation to systematic, synthetic phonics (particularly those on the Upper route)
School of Education: key priorities 2018-19
To action a revised mentor and link tutor development strategy Increase student teacher confidence and competence in teaching pupils with English as an additional language and pupils from all ethnic backgrounds Increase consistency of opportunities for trainees to teach, assess and receive feedback on subjects other than English, mathematics and science Increase the diversity and number of schools within the partnership (to include Grade 3 schools, disadvantaged areas, diverse populations) to allow for a range of placement opportunities for all
Break The Header Here Main points here
A cycle of trainee development
Observation and appraisal Formative feedback and support for reflection Making judgements against the Teachers’ Standards Ensuring development, targets and next steps The Header Here Main points here
Observation and appraisal
Scrutiny of planning Observation of trainee in action Discussion following the lesson Appraisal handbook
Observation and appraisal
Appraisal handbook Observation and appraisal Scrutiny of planning write comments, suggestions, questions on the plan Observation of trainee in action check previous targets, complete Part 1 of the Lesson Appraisal Record Discussion following the lesson brief feedback and questioning of the trainee
Formally appraising a lesson
Guidance on number and focus of appraisals can be found within the SE handbook Appraise a range of curriculum areas as outlined in the handbook Trained mentor should do formal appraisals and provide formative feedback When? Weekly throughout the placement Student teacher provides a detailed lesson plan and appraisal documents for mentor to complete Mentor observes lesson and completes appraisal documents Mentor encourages the student teacher to reflect on the lesson and then supports the completion of the evaluation (Part 2) Targets set for next appraisal How? Follow the procedures
Formative feedback and support for reflection
1 Ask the student teacher to reflect on their lesson prior to your views and feedback 2 Use the evaluation (Part 2) section of the lesson appraisal to keep the focus on pupil learning rather than a ‘how did it go’ discussion 3a If the learning in the lesson was good then challenge the student teacher on next steps for children 3b If the learning in the lesson was not good, you may want to encourage the student teacher to self evaluate. They may wish to reflect on what they might have done differently.
4. Encourage the student teacher to find their own solutions. Share your suggestions and offer advice. 5. Set targets for development (linked to the Teachers’ Standards) and identify CPD opportunities/needs. 6. Be sure to complete all the documentation for moderation and accountability. The student teacher and mentor should keep a record of the discussion. Remember → Try to balance student teacher and mentor input to the discussion. → Enable the student teacher to reflect rather than providing all the answers. → Focus on the impact on pupils’ learning and not just the tasks or activities.
As reference: the feedback process
Agree an appropriate time for the feedback session. * Allow time and encourage student teacher to reflect. Reflection should be based on impact on pupil learning not student performance. Encouraging reflection Encourage the student teacher to reflect on the effectiveness of the lesson and to identify strengths and areas for development. Use Part 2 of the appraisal form to record the discussion. Reflective discussion Evaluation and reflection are used to inform the setting of developmental targets and identify next steps. Feedback and targets should be based on the Teachers’ Standards. Set developmental targets * Feedback should ideally be given as soon as possible after the lesson so the student teacher can act upon guidance and advice immediately.
Making judgements: the weekly meeting
Mentor handbook Making judgements: the weekly meeting Section 4 of the handbook Review the lesson appraisal (if not already completed) Review documentation, files and reflective learning journals Ask the trainee for evidence of meeting the Teachers’ Standards Make judgements using the NASBTT guidance if required
Making a fair judgement
Your initial professional reaction? Needs to be comparable with others Use of the current appraisal document and the Moving from Good to Outstanding handbooks Refer to NASBTT guidance for grading against the Teachers’ Standards to support and ensure consistency of judgements
Judgements should be made taking into account …
The impact of their teaching on the progress and learning of the pupils The context and content of their teaching over sequences of lesson A full range of evidence (including learners responses in the lesson and in their work ) Their response to feedback and previous targets (met?) Not just a ‘snap shot’
Indicative summative judgement at the midpoint of the placement
Process Weekly Formative grading against the Teachers’ Standards (these will inform the summative judgements made) Interim Indicative summative judgement at the midpoint of the placement Final Summative judgements made at end point of the placement. These should take account of a range of evidence Not just a ‘snap shot’
Making and recording judgements
Feedback and evaluation from lessons and lesson appraisals should be used in the weekly discussion and should inform the setting of targets. The student teacher should record the evidence from the lesson, and track the progress made towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards using the standards pages and grid which can be found within their profile document. Reference should be made to the NASBTT Training and Assessment toolkit for guidance on the teaching grade descriptors.
Making judgements: the weekly meeting
Mentor handbook Making judgements: the weekly meeting All judgements should be made in relation to the Teachers’ Standards and NOT individual lessons and should be framed within the language of the descriptors for the Teachers’ Standards. Evidence in the following areas should be taken into account: 1. Consistently competent teaching 2. Impact on pupil learning and progress 3. Evidence in files (including tracking and recording pupil progress) 4. Reflection and self-evaluation
Making judgements: the weekly meeting
Student teachers should highlight the NASBTT Guidance on Teaching Grade Descriptors for the Teachers’ Standards document which can be found in their profile in order to track their progress towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards at the following points in their training.
Making judgements: end of placement
1 = Outstanding 2 = Good 3 = Requires improvement to become good 4 = Below standard All grades are appropriate to the stage of the student teachers' training. There is an expectation that students at the very beginning of their training will most likely be graded as ‘requiring improvement’. Likewise, student teachers could achieve a grading of outstanding at the beginning of their training as long as there is sufficient evidence against the Teachers’ Standards to support this judgement.
Making judgements: students at grade 4
In such circumstances the Alliance Lead, Link Tutor or SE Director should be contacted and reference made to the document ‘Additional Support Procedures’ for further advice and guidance. The student teacher cannot progress to the next SE or their NQT year.
Ensuring development, target-setting and next steps
Use the NASBTT guidance, Moving from Good to Outstanding handbooks Targets should be SMART and relate to the Teachers’ Standards Suggestions for how to achieve these targets would be useful for some trainees
Recording progress Recording evidence
On-going recording of progress Completing the Student’s Profile to show evidence and progress towards meeting the individual Teachers’ Standards Weekly recording of appraisals Completion of lesson appraisal Part 1 and Part 2. Student completes weekly reflective learning journal and mentor adds comments and feedback on this. Interim reports and link tutor visits Submission of reports via STASS. Communication with link tutor including moderation visit. Final summative judgements Triangulation meeting
Recording end of placement judgements
Final summative judgements Make a final summative judgement indicating outstanding, good or requires improvement. Include formative comments, specific targets for next SE and identify standards still to be met. Triangulation meeting Usually after final appraisal. Includes: * mentor overview * class teacher overview * student teacher overview * targets for next SE Exit moderation process – final placement Shared appraisal with link tutor for ALL student teachers. Exit interview. Check all standards are signed off. Set targets for NQT year.
STASS Student Tracking and Support System
Students have access to this as well as tutors Up to date information about student progress so tutors can pick up issues quickly Important to have information for mentors by the due dates
Additional Support: trainees
Student teachers may need additional support if they: are requiring improvement, not making expected progress, ‘coasting’ are not demonstrating Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards consistently In all cases, advice and guidance should be sought from the Link Tutor. Refer to the Additional Support Procedures handbook for detailed information
Additional Support: case study
A trainee has been having difficulty with engaging all children during lessons. The teacher and mentor have modelled different strategies and this has been recorded on the intervention log. After a week, the student is still having the same issues. A trainee is required to send their planning to the class teacher a day before they are leading a learning activity. The trainee has only completed this once, planning is usually presented to the teacher just before the lesson or ‘is on the memory stick’ at home. This has been going on for at least three weeks.
The role of the Link Tutor
Offering advice and guidance throughout the school experience Provide one to one training for you (documentation, recording, etc) Carry out shared appraisals to support moderation and accurate judgements Provide feedback on the effectiveness of mentoring Quality assurance of mentoring
Trainees are learners and their success is dependent on…
The mentor's skills in supporting student teachers to become reflective practitioners The process of making honest and formative judgements in all school experiences The mentor supporting targeted reflection and professional development Trainees are learners and their success is dependent on…
Thank you for becoming a mentor for YSJ trainees
New Mentor Development Programme launch: 3 days during the year focus on skills and qualities of yourself as a person, coaching and mentoring 2nd July launch with guest speakers and workshops open to all colleagues, including senior leaders and NQT mentors
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