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Today is Monday, March 4, 2013 Homework: Warm UP:

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1 Today is Monday, March 4, 2013 Homework: Warm UP:
Study for Ch. 11 Test (Wed.) Warm UP: Open your textbooks to page 362 and begin reading over the lab in table groups. What is the point of this lab? (Talk about it and then tell me)

2 Goal for Today SWBAT demonstrate the ability to apply concepts of density and buoyancy by designing a boat that can hold cargo (gram cubes).

3 Quick look at this week….
Today = Lab Tomorrow (Tuesday) = Trivia Wednesday = Chapter 11 Test Thursday = Science Fair Results…setting up graphs Friday = Science Fair Results….choosing the best graph! K-T BOARDS ARE HERE!!!!! (you get them next week!) YEAH!!!!

4 Lab time…..

5 Closing it up…. What do “density” and “buoyancy” mean?
Density = mass per unit volume Buoyancy = the tendency of an object to float Can a dense material be formed into a design that is buoyant? Yes, like a boat that is made out of steel, asphalt, and concrete.

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