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The Writing Process II.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process II."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process II

2 What is it? Remember the writing process? Brainstorming Outline
Rough Draft Peer-Editing/Self-Editing Final Draft

3 What is it? Together, we have already learned the first two steps!
Brainstorming Outline Rough Draft Peer-Editing/Self-Editing Final Draft

4 What is it? Let’s look at the final 3! Brainstorming Outline
Rough Draft Peer-Editing/Self-Editing Final Draft

5 3 - Rough Draft

6 Rough Draft When you write your rough draft, you change the outline to a paragraph. You change the notes into complete sentences. It becomes a paragraph! The first disadvantage is that it makes us stressed. If you’re confused, you will feel bad because you aren’t able to complete the homework. This.. 1- Makes us stressed a) if you’re confused b) very unhealthy c) X time to study

7 Rough Draft The rough draft is going to be messy.
It will not be perfect, but it should be simple to read.

8 Concluding Sentences

9 Paragraph Structure Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences
Concluding Sentence

10 Concluding Sentences Is the top piece of bread very different from the bottom piece of bread? In the same way, a concluding sentence will be very similar to the topic sentence!

11 Making a Concluding Sentence
Start with a transition signal. (see p. 64 of AW for a complete list) All in all, In conclusion, Indeed, In short, It is clear that + S + V.

12 Making a Concluding Sentence
Use one of these strategies to conclude: Repeat the topic sentence in new words Repeat the main ideas Give a suggestion Make a prediction Example: Topic: Cats are good pets. MI 1: Quiet MI 2: Cheap MI 3: Friendly

13 Making a Concluding Sentence
Use one of these strategies to conclude: Repeat the topic sentence in new words Repeat the main ideas Give a suggestion Make a prediction Topic: Cats are good pets. In conclusion, cats are definitely the best pets for several good reasons.

14 Making a Concluding Sentence
Use one of these strategies to conclude: Repeat the topic sentence in new words Repeat the main ideas Give a suggestion Make a prediction Topic: Cats are good pets. MI 1: Quiet MI 2: Cheap MI 3: Friendly All in all, their silence, affordability, and friendliness make cats the best pets.

15 Making a Concluding Sentence
Use one of these strategies to conclude: Repeat the topic sentence in new words Repeat the main ideas Give a suggestion Make a prediction Topic: Cats are good pets. MI 1: Quiet MI 2: Cheap MI 3: Friendly In short, you should buy a cat if you want a good pet.

16 Making a Concluding Sentence
Use one of these strategies to conclude: Repeat the topic sentence in new words Repeat the main ideas Give a suggestion Make a prediction If + simple past /would S + will/would Topic: Cats are good pets. More people would be happy if they bought cats.

17 Example 1 People shouldn’t eat bread for three reasons.
Because of these reasons, bread is not a very healthy choice.

18 Example 2 People shouldn’t eat bread for three reasons.
Due to its sugar count, preservatives, and use of refined flour, bread is not something that we should eat.

19 Example 3 People shouldn’t eat bread for three reasons.
Next time you’re at the supermarket, avoid the baked goods section.

20 Example 4 People shouldn’t eat bread for three reasons.
If people eat less bread, they will feel healthier.

21 4 – Editing

22 Editing When you edit, you look at the rough draft and make changes.
Peer-editing is when you edit your friend’s rough draft. Self-editing is when you edit your own rough draft.

23 Editing You will make changes by crossing things out, adding information, and changing words. After you are finished, you are ready for the last step!

24 5 – Final Draft

25 Final Draft The final draft should be perfect or almost perfect.
You will write very neatly and double space. Use white-out or an eraser to fix any mistakes.

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