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Level One Spanish Señora Carter

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1 Level One Spanish Señora Carter

2 Focus for Level One Spanish
Master the world language standards for speaking, reading, writing, and listening Develop an understanding and appreciation for other cultures Have fun learning and speaking Spanish

3 Canvas Homework Assignments
Allow for multiple attempts Encourage mastery Enables students to work ahead Also on Canvas… Practice quizzes Ancillary materials such as accent marks and vocabulary lists, retake practice assignments, and videos

4 Retake Policy THE GOAL IS MASTERY.
A student may retake quizzes and tests provided that he/she… completes all homework leading up to the quiz/test. completes the retake assignment (not recorded as a grade) completes the retake within one week of the original quiz/test. THE GOAL IS MASTERY. *** Students may not retake the semester or final exam.

5 Quarterly Grade 90% -Quizzes & Tests 10% -Homework/Other

6 Semester Grades (High School Credit)
Semester One: 20% Semester Exam 40% Q1 Grade 40% Q2 Grade Semester Two: 40% Q3 Grade 40% Q4 Grade

7 If you have any questions or concerns…
Please do not hesitate to contact me. Visit the class Canvas page to view: Assignments Grades Spanish games & activities (Coming soon)

8 Señora Carter Latino Project -Indiana University Student Teaching Experience: One year home stay on the Mexican border Additional Studies: Instituto Cultural Oaxaca: Oaxaca, México Study Abroad: San Jose, Costa Rica 17 years experience teaching English B.S. in English Education M.S. in Language Education Gifted and Talented Teaching Endorsement National Board Certified Teacher

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