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Escriban en sus Apuntes

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1 Escriban en sus Apuntes
In your apuntes write two sentences about food that you like and don’t like in Spanish (the food has to be something we have reviewed) Sentence Stems Me gusta _________ No me gusta _______

2 The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb

3 The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb
1 The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to the English “to do” (something). For example, to speak, to work, to sing, etc. The Spanish infinitive always ends in r

4 The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb
2 The ending: The last two letters of the infinitive. The ending always consists of two letters.

5 The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb
3 The stem or root: Whatever is left after removing the ending from the infinitive. The stem can consist of a variable number of letters, depending on the length of the verb in question.

6 How to conjugate First you take off the ending of the verb (ar, er, ir) Next you place the verb ending you need for the verb you are conjugating based on the subject pronoun (yo, ella, nosotros, etc).

7 Nuevos Verbos Write down in your apuntes the following verbs with the Spanish and English translations

8 Verbos hablar – to speak/to talk escuchar – to listen
trabajar – to work mirar – to look caminar – to walk usar – to use

9 Verbos estudiar – to study practicar – to practice
preguntar – to ask (questions) necesitar – to need ayudar – to help dibujar – to draw cantar – to sing

10 Verb endings for AR verbs
Yo o Nosotros(as) amos as Vosotros(as) áis Él, ella, Usted a Ellos, ellas, Ustedes an

11 Let’s try to Conjugate Bailar
Work with an elbow partner to conjugate the verb bailar for all the Spanish subject pronouns before we review together.

12 Tiempo de practicar Now that we have practiced together, let’s see you practice on your own!

13 Práctica Independiente
Van a completar una práctica independiente de los verbos que terminan en AR La práctica tiene que ser completado independientemente

14 Time to Act/Draw! You will work with a partner and pick 2 verbs to act/draw out to the class The class will have to respond what verb your team is acting out in the target language

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