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Effects of the Cold War at Home

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1 Effects of the Cold War at Home

2 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Agency created to investigate possible Communist influence in America. It became famous when it investigated the movie industry. Ten people were subpoenaed but refused to cooperate. They became known as the Hollywood Ten and were sent to prison. Hollywood executives issued the Blacklist, people who were condemned for having a communist background.

3 Alger Hiss (1948) Hiss was a State Dept. official who was accused of spying for the Soviet Union. Too many years had passed to charge him with espionage, but a jury convicted him of perjury and he was sent to prison.

4 The Rosenberg’s (1950) Julius and Ethel – members of the American communist party. Suspected of giving atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union, enabling them to make a bomb. Were charged and convicted of espionage. They were given the electric chair.

5 McCarthyism Joseph McCarthy – most famous anti-Communist Senator from Wisconsin. He charged that communists were taking over the government. He made one unsupported accusation after another. He was condemned by the Senate for improper conduct. He died a broken man in 1957 from alcoholism.

6 Hydrogen Bomb (H-bomb)
Part of the cold war was the arms race between the Soviet’s and America. Who could produce the first H-bomb? America won in 1952, but the Soviets were successful in 1953.

7 Brinkmanship Under President Eisenhower the U.S. focused all of its energy on the build up of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union did the same thing. The threat of nuclear attack was real: air raid drills were practiced in schools and many families built fall-out shelters in their homes. CIA was formed.

8 The Space Race Stalin dies and Nikita Khrushchev takes power.
One of is main focus’ is space. The Soviet’s are first at developing the first satellite known as Sputnik in 1957.

9 U-2 Incident President Eisenhower had proposed “open skies” – meaning that the Soviets and America could fly over each other’s country. Soviet’s said “NO.” The CIA began to make flights in secret. A U-2 was shot down and the pilot (Gary Powers) was imprisoned. Led to even greater tensions between the two nations!

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