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Nikki Crabtree Western Washington University 2012

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1 Nikki Crabtree Western Washington University 2012
Photo Essay Nikki Crabtree Western Washington University 2012

2 Community is… Employment Small Business
Lynch (1996) notes that it’s naïve to assume people can be divorced from their surroundings -the communities we create affect us all (Homan, 2011, p. 38). The Baglery is just one of the many businesses that make up Railroad Avenue in Bellingham. People are drawn to this area for the variety of eateries, coffee shops as well Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) downtown bus lines.

3 Community is… Specialized Transportation Inclusive
Healthy communities are inclusive, “believing every person has something to contribute. They recognize that although diversity may be challenging, it is a resource, a richness and a benefit ” (Homan, 2011, p. 39). This is my friend Stephanie going out on one of her many outings whether it’s shopping, meeting with friends for a movie or bowling, Stephanie lives her life to the fullest, using the city bus system.

4 Community is… Needs Met Corner of Bakerview and Meridian Streets From food to furniture, to places to worship- whether you’re comfortable with church, synagogue, temple, or mosque, vibrant communities offer places where like minded people come together to worship and share their faith. The signage for this part of our community proclaims “Needs met here”.

5 Community is… Social Action Martin Luther King
We celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King at a seminar sponsored by the Whatcom Human Rights Task Force, getting to the heart of social justice. Jansson (2009) declares we believe in “…asserting the inherent worth and dignity of each person and ensuring that the rights and opportunities of all members are secured and acted upon” (Homan, 2011, p. 65).

6 Community is… Collaboration Community Garden Plots
Homan (2011) notes that it increases the communities capacity to build the power of self-reliance and collaborative relationships” (p. 66). Our community gardens are good examples of these qualities. People from different walks of life working together sharing space with a common interest and shared purpose. Working together strengthens family bonds which impacts the larger community. Ll

7 Community is… Sharing Skills Working Together One of the necessary skills is the “ability to establish partnership -each understanding the role and the tasks of the other” (Homan, 2011, p. 91) much as the men in this picture have had to do. With a shared vision, both with skill, negotiating the individual tasks that make up the project, creating a rhythm as they work.

8 Community is… Involvement In a Work Group
Homan (2011, p. 221) has the right idea when he advises us to, “help people feel they are part of the group- an insider, not an outsider. We do this through getting to know people on a personal level, matching their level skill, interest, and time” to the project at hand. This a picture of a small group that I participated in for our HSP 485 Program Planning class.

9 Community is… Histories Whatcom Museum
Local history is made up of people and their impact on our locale. Starting with Native Americans from the Coast Salish and Nooksack tribes, people from Mexico, South America, Europe, and Asia have immigrated here bringing their customs and language to make our community a rich and interesting place to live. “Effective change agents develop the capacity to communicate effectively with diverse groups in a language that is easily understood by all parties” (Goode & Jones, 2008).

10 Community is… Natural Resources Lake Whatcom
Lake Whatcom provides us with drinking water to nourish the body as well as provides opportunities for recreation for us to reconnect with the outdoors as well as nourishing our souls as we take in the sun setting over the lake. Homan (2011) adds that, “a healthy community uses its resources to foster growth” (p. 30) as we manage our resources.

11 Community is… The Generations Three Generations Why do we manage our resources? Why do we advocate for others? Why do we pay taxes for roads, police and fire protection? Why do we focus on inclusion? Why do we create wealth? Why do we design gardens, and parks, and bike paths? Why do we think of others? Why do we work with one another? We do it for the generations…

12 Thank you!

13 References Goode , T. D., & Jones, W. (2008). Linguistic competence. Retrieved from Homan, M. S. (2011). Promoting community change: Making it happen in the real world. (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks / Cole, Cengage Learning. Jansson , B. S. (2009) The reluctant welfare state: Engaging history to advance social work practice in contemporary society. (6th ed,). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole , Cengage Learning.

14 References Lynch, D. J. (1996, September 20). Dying dreams, dead-end streets. USA Today, pp. B1-2.

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