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The Old Testament Creation and Sin.

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Presentation on theme: "The Old Testament Creation and Sin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Old Testament Creation and Sin

2 God created the World in 7 Days
Remember that God’s time is not our time A day is easy to remember when you are passing stories down A day could be…1000 years, 2 millennium etc…

3 Order of Creation

4 First Day Light Separated Light from Darkness Day and Night

5 Second Day Separated the water from the sky

6 Third Day Separated the water from the land
He called the water Seas and the land Earth The land and see produced plants and vegetation

7 Fourth Day Lights in the sky separating night form day
Made the seasons, days and years Made the Sun, stars, moons and planets

8 Fifth Day Living creatures from the water and the sky
Allowed them to multiply

9 Sixth Day Created animals and creatures of the land
Made man and woman in His image Gave them dominion (put them in charge) over all the creatures of the earth

10 Seventh Day God rested

11 Your assignment Create a poster showing the creation of the world in pictures only Your poster must be in order!

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