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Thursday, March 14th Warm Up

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, March 14th Warm Up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, March 14th Warm Up
Fill in the blank… Pi is the number of times a __________ diameter will fit around its circumference There is no __________in the first 31 digits of Pi Pi has ____ billion known digits - it would take a person approximately 133 years to recite all of them without stopping Pi Day is also _____________ birthday! circle’s zero 6.4 Albert Einstein’s

2 PI Day Warm Up!!!!!

3 Make Up / Delta Math For 35 minutes you will be able to make up all the work you are missing and do Delta Math for Unit 4. Before you start your Delta Math you should check in with me to make sure you have everything made up.

4 Pi Day Card Game Rules Each Player gets 7 cards
Begin with the tallest person in the group. If they have a 3, they put it down, if they do not, they draw a card. The next person puts down a 1 if they have it, if not, they draw a card. Then 4 and so on Continues until someone gets rid of all of their cards.


6 Pick up the new assignment sheet and new booklet from the back table.
Friday, March 15th Warm Up Pick up the new assignment sheet and new booklet from the back table. Open your new booklet to page 4 and complete problems #1-5

7 Exponent Properties Foldable!

8 Relay Race! The first person in the group completes #1 and passes. The second person checks #1, then completes #2 and passes The third person checks 1 and 2, then completes #3 and passes Repeat until all problems are complete

9 Monday 03/18 Warm Up Get out your booklets and open them to page 17. Complete #1-6 and write final answers on your warm up sheet.

10 Homework Check pg. 5 #6-10, pg. 6 #12-14

11 Motivational Monday


13 Roots and Radical Expressions
Squaring a number means using that number as a factor two times.

14 Roots and Radical Expressions
The inverse of squaring is finding a square root.

15 Roots and Radical Expressions
Definition of square root- If x^2=y, then x is a square root of y. What two numbers are equal to their own square roots?

16 Roots and Radical Expressions
The inverse of the 3rd power is the 3rd root The inverse of the 4th power is the 4th root. The inverse of the 5th power, is the 5th root

17 Roots and Radical Expressions
The inverse of the 3rd power is the 3rd root The inverse of the 4th power is the 4th root. The inverse of the 5th power, is the 5th root

18 Roots and Radical Expressions
If the exponent is even, there is a positive (t) and negative (-) root. If the exponent is odd, there is only one root.

19 Roots and Radical Expressions
The radical sign: The number in front of the radical represents what root it is.

20 Roots and Radical Expressions
Radicals can be written as exponents. Taking the square root of a number is the same as raising the number to the ½ power.

21 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Write the following radicals as exponents

22 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Write the following radicals as exponents

23 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Write the following exponents as radicals

24 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Write the following exponents as radicals

25 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Write the following exponents as radicals

26 Roots and Radical Expressions
Simplifying Radicals Steps: Find the prime factorization of the expression inside the radical (break it down) Determine the index of the radical (square root=2, cube root=3, etc) Move each GROUP of numbers outside of the radical that match the index. (If you have a cube root, your numbers/variables need to be in groups of 3) Simplify expressions inside and outside of the radical.

27 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Answer:

28 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Answer:

29 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Answer:

30 Roots and Radical Expressions
Examples: Answer:

31 Homework pg. 12, pg. 18 #18-29

32 Tuesday 03/19 Warm Up Get out your booklets and open them to page 24. Complete #1-12 and write final answers on your warm up sheet.

33 Check Homework pg. 12, pg. 18 #18-29

34 We kind of already know how to do this!
Completing the Square Completing the square is a way to write a quadratic function from standard form to vertex form. We kind of already know how to do this!

35 Completing the Square Step 1: Put parentheses around your x terms.
Step 2: Divide your b term by 2 and square it. Step 3: Add this number inside your parentheses and subtract it from the constant on the outside. Step 4: Factor the parenthesis by dividng b by 2.

36 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

37 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

38 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

39 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

40 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

41 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

42 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

43 Completing the Square Examples: Answer:

44 Pg. 25 #13-20

45 Wednesday 03/20 Warm Up Get out your booklet, assignment sheet and warm up sheet. Simplify each expression: 7a-5b3 5-3 ・70 Simplify the Radical Expressions: 1) 2) 3)

46 Quiz Time!!!

47 Open your booklets to page 33. Using desmos, answer 7a-d
Thursday 03/21 Warm Up Open your booklets to page 33. Using desmos, answer 7a-d

48 Quadratic Formula

49 Quadratic Formula

50 Quadratic Formula

51 Quadratic Formula Examples:

52 Quadratic Formula Examples:

53 Quadratic Formula Examples:

54 Quadratic Formula Examples: No real solution..answer coming soon.

55 Friday 03/22 Warm Up Open your booklets to page 43. Answer #9-12 using the quadratic formula

56 Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring
Zero-Product Property If (a)(b) = 0, then a=0 or b=0

57 Steps to Solve by Factoring
Move all of the terms to one side of the equation, making the other side zero. Factor, or rewrite the other side of the equation as multiplication. Apply the Zero - Product Property

58 Methods of Solving Quadratics
Factoring Completing the Square Quadratic Formula Graphing Each method has its perks, and each method has its faults.

59 Methods of Solving Quadratics
Solve by factoring

60 Methods of Solving Quadratics
Solve by using the Quadratic formula

61 Methods of Solving Quadratics
Solve by completing the square

62 Methods of Solving Quadratics
Solve by using the quadratic formula

63 Methods of Solving Quadratics
Solve by factoring

64 Methods of Solving Quadratics
Solve by completing the square

65 Solve by factoring Example 1: Example 2:

66 Monday 03/25 Warm Up Solve by using the quadratic formula.
Solve by factoring.

67 Motivation Monday

68 Tic Tac Toe Quadratic Formula
You will be with a partner Each partner will take turns picking a problem to solve using the quadratic formula. Once you have solved, you will find your answer in the tic-tac-toe grid and place either an “X” or “O” in the space. Play will continue until all problems are completed or until someone wins! Work must be shown on a separate sheet of paper and turned in with your tic-tac-toe board.

69 Extra Credit Delta Math

70 What is your preferred method of solving a quadratic?
Tuesday 03/26 Warm Up What is your preferred method of solving a quadratic? What do you have to set y equal to solve?

71 Quiz Time!

72 Open your booklets to page 35. Complete #12 - 15
Wednesday 03/27 Warm Up Open your booklets to page 35. Complete # Remember to write all your final answers on your warm up sheet.

73 Task 3.8 page 52 To be determined

74 Based off our findings, could we say that roots ALWAYS occur at the x-axis?

75 The Discriminant The discriminant can tell us how many and what kind of roots our quadratic has.

76 The Discriminant Formula:

77 If is greater than zero, then you will have 2 real roots.
The Discriminant If is greater than zero, then you will have 2 real roots.

78 If is equal to zero, then you will have 1 real roots.
The Discriminant If is equal to zero, then you will have 1 real roots.

79 If is less than zero, then you will have 2 imaginary roots.
The Discriminant If is less than zero, then you will have 2 imaginary roots.

80 Example: Determine the nature of the roots
The Discriminant Example: Determine the nature of the roots

81 Example: Determine the nature of the roots
The Discriminant Example: Determine the nature of the roots

82 Example: Determine the nature of the roots
The Discriminant Example: Determine the nature of the roots

83 The Discriminant You try!

84 Imaginary Numbers An imaginary number gives us the ability to take the square root of a negative number.

85 We can use i to simplify the radicals of negative numbers
Imaginary Numbers We can use i to simplify the radicals of negative numbers

86 Imaginary Numbers Example

87 Imaginary Numbers Example

88 Imaginary Numbers Example

89 Other important imaginary numbers

90 Find the following square roots.
Imaginary Numbers Find the following square roots.

91 Homework: pg. 55 # 1-6 ; pg. 56 #19-27

92 Open your booklets to page 50. Complete #16 - 19
Thursday 03/28 Warm Up Open your booklets to page 50. Complete # Remember to write all your final answers on your warm up sheet.

93 Check Homework: pg. 55 # 1-6 ; pg. 56 #19-27

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