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Supply and Demand Test Review

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Presentation on theme: "Supply and Demand Test Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supply and Demand Test Review
These practice questions will be very similar to the questions on your test tomorrow. I would write these down so you can study, especially if you get them wrong as we go through them today in class!

2 Define supply and demand
Know the difference between quantity supplied and supply, and quantity demanded and demand

3 Know the steps to find a change in equilibrium in a market

4 3 steps! To determine the effects of any event,
1. Decide whether event shifts S curve, D curve, or both. 2. Decide in which direction curve shifts. 3. Use supply-demand diagram to see how the shift changes eq’m P and Q.

5 Know the difference between a normal good and an inferior good- and examples!

6 Know the difference between substitutes and complements- and examples!

7 What are the characteristics of a competitive market?

8 Draw a graph for the following situations:
Suppliers experience an advance in technology in their factories for making tea The price of a good is raised

9 What is the equilibrium price?
Quantity Demanded Quantity Supplied 1 44 7 32 9 10 13 14 5 18

10 Know how to label the areas of surplus and shortage on a graph for a market of a good.

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