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Thursday, March 24, 2016.

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1 Thursday, March 24, 2016

2 Announcements

3 Agenda Unit 8 Reading and Vocabulary Unit 8 review pp. 120
Start Unit 9 Listening Quiz

4 Warm- Up Bob Burnquist What do you know about skateboarding?


6 Vocabulary Dramatic (adj) translation
Showing big change, sudden Stop being so dramatic. You were only late to work 5 minutes! Dramatically (adv) translation In a dramatic way Mark changed dramatically.

7 Support (him)self translation
To be able to have enough I was finally able Money to pay for your own to support myself Needs (housing/ food/ bills) a few years ago. Consider (him)self translation What a person thinks I consider myself Of (him)self a funny person.

8 Opportunity (n) translation
Chance I have the opportunity to get a better job. Residence (n) translation Where someone lives Near my residence, there are many beautiful parks.

9 Be positive (expression) translation
Have happy thoughts Being positive really helps when And don’t think badly you are having problems about things.

10 Vocabulary discussion questions
Has your life changed dramatically over the past 5 years? If yes, how? Why is it difficult to support yourself? What kind of person do you consider yourself to be? What is the best opportunity you have gotten? Where is your residence? Is it always difficult to be positive?

11 Reading
King of Skate pp. 108

12 Unit 8 When do we talk about the present perfect?
How do we form the present perfect? How do we use since How do we use for?

13 Unit 9 Present Perfect: Already I’ve already sent the invitations.
I’ve sent the invitations already. Present perfect: Yet I haven’t decided on the menu yet. Present Perfect: Still I still haven’t hired a DJ. Which ones can be used with negative statements?

14 Yes/ no questions with present perfect
Have you chosen the date yet? Has Patty Cake replied to your yet? How do you form present perfect questions with yet? How would you respond to these questions? No, I haven’t. = No not yet.

15 Use already, yet and still…
To talk about things that happened or have not happened yet (time unknown). I have already hired a party planner. Past Now Future _________X_______________I_____________________> hired a party planner

16 Yet and still I haven’t mailed the invitations yet. I still haven’t mailed the invitations. Past now future ____________________I________________________________> mail the invitations It hasn’t happened some time before now. Negative statements with still show that the speaker is surprised or unhappy.

17 Yet in questions To ask if something has happened before now, use yet.
Have you bought the soda yet? No, I haven’t. No, not yet. Not yet.

18 Note 2 Lynn: I’m giving a party next month. Max: Have you mailed the invitations yet? Lynn: Yes, I have. Lynn: I’m giving a party for my birthday. I mailed the invitations this morning. Max: You’ve mailed them already? Your birthday is three months away! In which of these conversations is Max surprised? Why?

19 Note 2 b. In American English, we sometimes use the simple past with already and yet. He has already chosen the music. Present perf. He already chose the music. Simple past Do these sentences have the same meaning? Yes!

20 Note 3


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