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Militarism Mobilize Central powers Allied powers Trench warfare

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1 Militarism Mobilize Central powers Allied powers Trench warfare
Chapter 23 Section 1 Militarism Mobilize Central powers Allied powers Trench warfare Stalemate NATIONALISM Key Terms for Graphic Organizer: You will need to create a booklet. Vocabulary word goes on front. Inside, left hand page place the definition or description of term On right hand page, draw a picture which symbolizes the term

2 Chapter 23, section 1 Read Ch. 23, Section 1, pgs. 716-724.
Key Battles T-Chart Left hand column titled “Battles” Belgium Marne Verdun Somme North Sea U-Boats Right hand column titled “Location and Dates” You will need to find this information in section 1, pgs Chapter 23, section 1 Read Ch. 23, Section 1, pgs Create Battles T-Chart Create WWI Technologies Graphic Organizer WWI Technologies Graphic Organizer Fold paper long ways or hotdog style On outside of organizer label the following terms UNDERLING each term so each word is separated from the others. On the inside left, you need to write the information your textbook provides about each technology, the how it works and why it was used in YOUR OWN WORDS. On the inside right, draw a picture of type technology. U-Boats Trench warfare Poisonous gases Machine Guns Tanks No Man’s Land

3 Entry Ticket: Check your understanding
Answer the following question on a loose sheet of paper, using complete SENTENCES, QUOTED evidence from the textbook, and reasoning to justify your answer and evidence. How did nationalism contribute to political tensions in Europe?

4 Assessment questions, page 724
Chapter 23, Section 1, pgs Answer ALL of the questions on page 724 Answer questions in your interactive notebooks, title the page “WWI, Ch. 23, Sec. 1” Number each question Answer each question in complete sentences Be specific in your answers no vague words like: stuff, things, them, they… If you have any questions, please raise your hand Assessment questions, page 724

5 Study Questions for Quiz
The main causes of WW1 are An example of alliances being a cause of WWI is: Trench warfare caused: No Man’s Land is: U-Boats are, who used them, and what kind of damage if any did they cause: Why did the U.S. get involved in WWI and stop their stance of neutrality?

6 Constructed Response WW1 Quiz
You must use the following the words in your constructed response: Central Powers Germany U-Boats Neutrality Remember your constructed response needs to be a minimum of 5 sentences long. CIRCLE the mandatory words in your constructed response before submitting your quiz.

7 Chapter 23, Section 2 Key terms and vocabulary graphic organizer
Directions: Create a graphic organizer for Chapter 23, Section 2. Use the same format as you did for the key terms and vocabulary for Chapter 23, Section 1. DUE MONDAY, no exceptions. Lusitania Liberty Bonds Zimmerman Note National War Labor Board Selective Service Act NEUTRALITY

8 Hitler’s speech homework directions: write on the bottom of your Hitler speech
Annotate the following words: Answer the following question in your Interactive Notebooks: Humiliation Fanatical Discredited Regretfully Resurrection Anvil In a minimum of three of sentences EXPLAIN: What is the overall message Hitler is sending to the German people about the Treaty of Versailles which ends WWI?

9 Europe Before and After WWI

10 Why would other countries oppose German immigration into their countries after WWI ends and the treaty of Versailles is implemented? Your response needs to be a minimum of 3 sentences long. You must use the following words in your response: Allied countries, oppose, immigration, nationalism

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