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PLC Team Development Year 2 Training Module 1 Enter Name of RPDC HERE

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1 PLC Team Development Year 2 Training Module 1 Enter Name of RPDC HERE
10/28/2014 PLC Team Development Part 2 of Day 1: Year 2 Training Module 1 Enter Date Here Enter Name of RPDC HERE

2 Agenda DMR – BAT Process Collective Commitments Team Builder
10/28/2014 Agenda DMR – BAT Process Collective Commitments Team Builder Leadership Team Progress Monitoring Team Planning

3 Norms (Working Agreements)
Begin and end on time Stick with the agenda Limit side conversations Turn cell phones on vibrate or off

4 Inclusion Activity Presenter’s choice 10/28/2014
To introduce/sequay to Collective Commitments

5 Essential Questions How do we establish and live mission, vision, values, and goals? How does a school establish and maintain a focus on learning? How do we help build momentum and sustainability through broadening leadership capacity?

6 Connecting to Teacher Standards
This relates to the following Missouri Teacher Standards: Curriculum 3.1,3.2 Student Assessment and Data Analysis 7.2,7.3 Professionalism 8.1,8.2 Professional Collaboration 9.1.

7 Read and Highlight Read and highlight the article “Transcript of a Shift in School Culture” After sharing with your partner bring what you agreed with, what you had questions about, and how might this work in your school. Discuss those as a leadership team. You could substitute another article or a video if you think it would better get participants to think about collective commitments and what you as an individual and collectively as a school are saying you will do to improve the student learning.

8 Third Pillar – Values (Collective Commitments)
People make a conscious and deliberate effort to identify the specific ways they will act to improve their organizations and then commit to one another to act accordingly. (Dufour)

9 Change Skill Will Technical -tools -structure -policy Cultural
10/28/2014 Change Technical -tools -structure -policy Cultural -thoughts -beliefs Skill Will This is about adults changing their behavior. Some changes will be technical, some cultural. Some require skill development, others require building of belief systems/culture. There must be a balance of both. Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad

10 If/Then Statements Using your school’s vision, examine the various components and ask, “What must we commit to do to create such a school?” IF we are to create a collaborative culture, THEN we must be contributing members to our teams and develop the skills we need to be effective collaborators. Introduce ‘if/then’ statements to ignite thinking Revist their vision and focus on what it would take to get them to achieve the vision.

11 Examples of School-Wide Commitments
There is a climate of high expectations for student success, and staff members communicate these high expectations to students, parents, and one another. Assessment is an ongoing process containing both formative and summative components. Every teacher and administrator collects, analyzes, interprets, and uses data to provide differentiated instruction to students. Examples to share of school-wide commitments -Climate -Assessment -Data

12 10/28/2014 More Examples There is a collaborative culture that ensures staff members work together interdependently to better meet the needs of their students and to improve their professional practice. The learning of students is monitored on a timely basis and when students struggle they have structures in place to support their learning. -Learning (collaborative culture) -Student Learning

13 Individual Commitments
We will …. Develop assessments that are specifically matched to what students are expected to learn. Collaboratively create teacher made common formative assessments, review results and share. Prioritize learning goals and objectives to allow more time to work on needed skills. Examples of individual commitments. Some could also be used as school wide.

14 More Examples Allow time to collect, analyze, interpret and use data as basis for instruction. Involve staff in decision making. Implement consistent discipline policies and practices for all students. Have high expectations for students that are clear, reasonable and age appropriate. Develop a school wide character ed program.

15 G.O.I.L.S. Groups of increasingly larger size
Individually, look at your vision statement and list on the index cards provided, behaviors necessary to reach your vision in three to five years. Find a partner and share your index cards. Agree on no more than five mutually. Two groups come together and again agree on only five. Ask each person to come up with five commitments individually. Then use the goils process as many times as necessary depending on the size of the group.

16 G.O.I.L.S. If necessary combine again doubling in size until you finally get to everyone in one group. After agreeing on the five cards try to make sure all are written in an if-then format or in the format like some of the examples. Decide how you want to involve the rest of your staff. Do you want to do this with a committee or do you want the entire staff involved in the process.

17 Suggestions for Developing Collective Commitments
Limit the commitment statements to a reasonable number. Be explicit and direct rather than vague and ethereal. Describe commitments as behaviors instead of beliefs. Establish clear expectations about what each person is expected to do to fulfill the commitments.

18 10/28/2014 What Now? Make sure when you leave today you have a plan on how you are going to select the collective commitments for your school. Use the time now to begin that discussion before lunch and make sure you have established that plan on the action plan you submit to us this afternoon. Use your Center’s PLC Planning Form/Action Plan

19 10/28/2014 Contact Us Type comments here. Enter Contact Information for PLC Consultants Here Enter Contact Information for PLC Consultants Here The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Office of the General Counsel, Coordinator – Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO ; telephone number or TTY ; fax number ;

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